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What Are the Best Phrases to Respond to an Apology in English?


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I need the best phrases to respond to an apology in English. Meanwhile, I read an article about it but I think it wasn't enough. this is the link to the article: https://phoenixenglishlang.com/respond-to-an-apology/

please do not suggest to me phrases that were written in this article, I need some new and better ones.

Thank you in advance.

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Responding to an apology is about showing understanding and moving forward positively. You can say things like, "Thanks for saying sorry. Let's move on," or "No worries, let's forget about it and focus on the future." It's important to show forgiveness and a willingness to let go of any hard feelings. In higher language, this means acknowledging the apology and choosing to move forward without holding onto negativity.

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