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      Looking for Korean language exchange partner. TL: Korean NL: German (native), English (C2) | Language Exchange Corner Jump to content

      Looking for Korean language exchange partner. TL: Korean NL: German (native), English (C2)

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      안녕하세요~! 저는 제시라고 하고 한국어 언어 교환하는 분을 찾아보는 독일 사람이에요. 독일어를 모국어로 말하고 영어도 C2 수준에서 사용할 줄 알아요. 저도 문법광이라서 독일어나 영어 문법에 관한 질문이 있으면 말씀해주세요! 저는 베를린에서 살고 30대이고 영화를 보고 독서하고 쓰는 것이 특히 마음에 들어요!

      I also enjoy practicing my Korean through writing even though I'm still very much a beginner in that regard. It would be awesome to find another language learner on here who is not only interested in writing, but who would also be up for reading and correcting each others' texts in German / English / Korean every now and then.
      Trotz der Tatsache, dass ich, zumindest was mein Koreanisch angeht, noch eine ziemliche Anfängerin bin, macht es mir außerdem Spaß, mein Koreanisch beim Schreiben zu üben, Es wäre toll, wenn ich in diesem Forum eine*n Sprachaustauschpartner*in finden könnte, der*die nicht nur Interesse am Schreiben hat, sondern auch dafür offen wäre, die deutsch-, englisch- und koreanischsprachigen Texte des jeweils Anderen gelegentlich zu lesen und zu korrigieren.

      관심이 있다면, 이 스레드에 댓글을 게시해주거나 DM를 보내주세요!
      If you are interested, feel free to post a comment below or send me a DM anytime!
      Falls du Interesse hast, hinterlasse mir hier gerne einen Kommentar oder schicke mir eine DM!

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