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滥竽充数【làn yú chōng shù】

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In the Warring State Period, King Xuan of the state Qi loved ensemble performances of  and formed a performance team with three hundred  musicians. A man called Nan Guo joined the team although he didn’t know how to play yú. During the performance, he pretended to play as if he were the most engaging and professional performer.  After King Xuan passed away, his heir King Min dismissed the team because he preferred listening to one performer each time. Therefore, Nan Guo could not play tricks and had to leave the team. 

[Annotation]: Disqualified, fake. : An ancient wind instrument. : Replace. 

[Definition] Refers to disqualified people hiding among a group of experts.


* If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com

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