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Do you have words you struggle with?


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For some reason the word "rural" always trips me up. I can say it, of course, but I have to concentrate or it comes out wrong!

Isn't it weird how we all have that certain word that trips us up?! Yet it's usually a word that the next person finds very easy to say, and they probably don't even think about it? I would be interested in knowing the reason for it, because it's just WEIRD LOL

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I don't want to admit to myself or others that there might be any problems with my pronunciation. Whenever this happens, one of my friends ask me to say horse and wh#res and we both realise that I pronounce both pretty much the same.

Whilst still in high school, my teacher couldn't tell the difference between 'pour' and 'poor' which left all students with a good laugh.

Later on, I had several friends who pronounced words as vegetable very funnily vege-table (like the word table...). This included all 'table' words, also comfort-table :D

Lol, omgg that is so funny!!!!  Was your teacher Swedish?  I love the way you guys pronounce words, I think when you speak English you guys got the nicest and cleanest accent, at least in my opinion.  I worked with several swedes when I was living in Norway, very nice and responsible people.  Nothing like the people I'll be working with very soon.

Were your classmates also Swedish or Lithuanian?  Lol ''comfor-table'', lol.  I bet that was such a laugh fest for any English speakers around, hehehe.  My mom makes the same mistakes when trying to speak English :)

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