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Your Favorite Spanish Language Books and Authors


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We have seen this topic in the General Discussion and in some of the language subforums.  So this left me curious to know about what the native speakers and students of Spanish have read and/or are reading.

What are some of your favorite Spanish language books and authors? 

Some of my favorite authors/books are:

Isabel Allende (Chile):  She has written some amazing novels.  My favorites among them are "The House of the Spirits" and "Eva Luna."

Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia):  My favorites are two of his classics, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and  "Love in the Time of Cholera."

Pablo Neruda (Chile) -- I've read a lot of his poetry in a variety of collections and editions.  One of my favorite collections is the bilingual edition, "Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970."

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I also love Gabriel García Márquez!  I also love José Saramago (though I think he wrote in Portuguese not Spanish) and Enrique Vila-Matas  (Dublinesque is amazing!). I am definitely not proficient enough in Spanish to read in it but I do love many Spanish authors :)

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