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Umrao Jaan Ada by Mirza Hadi Ruswa


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He wrote in Urdu, but I consider Hindi/Urdu to be pretty much the same since they only really diffir in higher vocabulary. I haven't read any of his poems, but through blood sweat and tears I got through Umrao Jaan. To be honest it was such a difficult book to read, especially since the Urdu script is hard to make out sometimes. But Umrao jaan ada, I think is one of the best novels I have ever read. The writting style is fantastic and nothing feels contrived and I liked how there really were no twists or over the top drama that so many books even in English have. The whole novel feels like Umrao Jaan is sitting there with you telling her story. The only problem I had with this novel is it was confusing knowing when it was Mirza himself narrating or when it was Umrao Jaan. But the novel is fantastic.

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You can find the Urdu and translation on this site:


However the translation doesn't make sense a lot of times. If you want to read the book in English I suggest reading the translated version by David Matthews:


It is by far the best translation I have come across so far.

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