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Posts posted by Gerie0511

  1. 3 hours ago, Dmitry Krutov said:

    People, who have been made this mistake wherever in the past, should pass through a long period to "retraining" ignoring patterns in the brain. It relates to the motor cortex first (how you move muscles in your mouth to pronounce words) , but as second, includes  problems in audio cortex too (people just can't hear a difference between closest sounds).

    You are right. Our first language determines how we respond to other languages. And as stated we have to learn to reprogram our brain.

  2. There a technique called “shadowing” where you do an active listening and speaking exercise. You choose an audio from a native speaker and you repeat every every sentence after the speaker word for word using the same intonation as him/her. At first is a bit hard but with practice you’ll become better until you can almost repeat simultaneously. You will see that with consistency and patience your accent will improve considerably. This blog post about the shadowing techniqur might help you. https://speak-fast-languages.com/blog/1107355/shadowing-technique-imitation

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