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  1. My first novel was To Kill a Mockingbird and 20 years later and having reread several times, I still can't get over the phrase Let the Dead bury the Dead.
  2. Me llamo translates to I call myself, while Mi nombre es means My name is. The Spanish verb llamar means to call. When conjugated for the first person singular, it becomes llamo. Therefore, when someone says “Me llamo…”, they are saying “My name is…” The word nombre means name. Thus, when a person says “Mi nombre es…”, they are introducing themselves with “My name is…” The purpose of both phrases is the same – to inform the person on the other of the communication of one’s name. The usage of either phrase is correct. While both are commonly used, mi nombre es is taken to be more formal. Me llamo is conversational, while mi nombre es is regarded as more appropriate for written communication. A third phrase – Soy or Yo soy – can also be used for introductions. It is the least formal. It is the first person conjugation of the verb ser – to be. It translates to I am. Source: Bartleby Learn
  3. I was lucky to be introduced to the classics at a young age. I was able to read works of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky when I was at school. Now, if I were asked to pick just one out of these, it surely is difficult. But I'll go with Shakespeare's Hamlet as it ponders on the arc of the protagonist's moral dilemma - quite similar to what we face in daily life.
  4. Right. Grammar does not change for US, Canadian, Oz, British English, or English in post colonial countries. The basics of grammar remains the same. There is a huge difference in accent, and colloquial language speaking has some phrases and sentences that have a native flavor.
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