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Everything posted by Laura7

  1. Heyy, I have a question about Japanese grammar. So I was supposed to make a sentence using words 私/マリア/弟/ポーランド語/教える。Idk why but I forgot that くれる can be used not only when sb gives sth to ME, but also when refering to my Family members. Sooo I was desperate to make a sentence in which I am the one who receives something. So I created sth like this: マリアさんが私に弟をポーランド語を教えてくれました。 Is it completely wrong? ( I have a feeling it is) But what If I want to imply that I am the one who is happy? For example I was the one looking for a teacher for my brother and I finally wound マリアさん? Does it make any sense? And additional question if sb is nice enough to take a look. Is it gramatically correct? - おなかがすいていますが、れいぞうこに食べ物はありません。。。 - 父がちょうど今会社から家に帰っているところですから、途中で何か食べ物を買うように頼みましょう。  And this one: 私は体を丈夫にするために、毎日運動しています。 Thank U in advance.
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