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Shudan Guan

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Everything posted by Shudan Guan

  1. During the Spring and Autumn Period, a farmer saw a hare hit a tree trunk and died, he picked it up and cooked at night. Afterwards, he did nothing but wait under that tree for another hare to come. However, no hares appeared since then and people all made fun of him. [Annotation] 株: Trunk of a tree. [Definition] When (someone) wishes to succeed without making any effort. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  2. In the Spring and Autumn Periods, King Ping of Chu was probed by an official to kill the teacher of the prince, Wu She as well as his son Wu Zixu. The prince told Wu Zixu that night, so the next morning when he was asked to return to the capital, he refused angrily, “If the prince didn’t tell me the truth, I will be in the inescapable.” [Annotation] 罗: The net that is used for catching birds. [Definition] When someone or an army is surrounded tightly. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  3. Once, a thief wanted to steal the bell that was hung on the front gate of a family but was afraid the bell rang. Therefore, he came up with the idea of stealing the bell while covering his ears; then he was caught immediately. He was surprised, “How can you hear the bell?” The person who caught him said, “You covered your ears, not mine!” [Annotation] 掩: Cover. 盗: Steal. [Definition] When something can only deceive oneself instead of the others. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  4. Once upon a time, a man was selling weapons on the street. He took a spear and said, “This spear is the sharpest, and it can break any shield!” Then he took a shield and said, “This shield is the firmest, and none a spear in the world can break it!” Someone asked, “What if you use the spear to hit the shield?” The man was speechless. [Annotation] 矛: Spear. 盾: Shield. [Definition] Of something that is self-contradictory. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  5. Confucius has many students, one of them named Zai Yu, who is eloquent and talkative. He left a good impression on Confucius at first, but lately, he revealed the true side of himself: immoral and lazy, rather than sleeping than going to school. Hence, Confucius becomes completely disappointed in him. Another student of Confucius called Zi Yu, who is thirty-nine years younger than him, was born with an unpleasant look. Confucius thought he was untalented and couldn’t make high achievements. However, Zi Yu was dedicated to combining practical and theoretical knowledge after learning from Confucius, and he was well-behaved as a person. Later, Zi Yu travelled to the Changjiang River, had three hundred students followed. His name was famous in several countries. Confucius said after hearing this news, “I see Zai Yu wrongly because I judged by his words and eloquence; I see Zi Yu wrongly because I judged by his appearance.” [Definition] When someone judges other people merely by appearance. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  6. During the Spring and Autumn Period, a fight occurred between states Qin and Jin, Jin lost, and the King was captured. King Mu of Qin told officials of Jin, “I won’t slave you despite your King never remembering and extolling my kindness.” The officials of Jin replied, “We’re now at the downside of the situation. Hope Your Reverence at the upper side will keep your word.” [Annotation] 甘:Be willing to. 下风:Downside of the situation. [Definition] When someone admits he is at the downside of the situation; and can also mean someone admits himself lost in a competition sincerely. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghost stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  7. During the Warring States Period, Lin Xiangru of State Zhao was entitled as a noble official by the emperor because he saved the country from devastation. The elder general Lian Po was jealous and wanted to tease him. Lin Xiangru avoided seeing Lian Po after knowing his intention. People asked Lin Xiangru for a reason, he said, “Since our officials are collaborative, other states dare not to invade, I don’t want our personal relationship to affect the state.” Lian Po was shamed when he heard that, so he carried thorns to apologize to Lin Xiangru. [Annotation] 负:Carry. 荆:Thorns. [Definition] It’s used to describe someone who makes a sincere apology. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  8. Wu and Yue were neighbouring countries in the Spring and Autumn Period, but they fought a lot. One day, the citizens of both states took the same boat. As the ship reached the centre of the lake, a storm occurred and almost flipped the boat. At this moment, people forgot their hates, working as a team and crossing the river safely. [Annotation] 舟: Boat. [Definition] It literally means a group of people stay in the same boat during storms, and it is extended to indicate getting through a hard situation together. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  9. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Zixu was persecuted by King Ping of Chu, he hid in Shaoguan, yet couldn’t leave because the military was guarding at the border. Due to anxiety and worry, his hair and beard suddenly turned white in one night. He passed the security check because of the huge change in appearance. He usually crossed wildlands on his way to escape, and he would hide as soon as he heard the wind or the rustle of grass. [Definition] It refers to a slight and gentle movement. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  10. Hua Tuo, a famous doctor during the Three Kingdoms Period, provided different prescriptions for two fever patients. They felt strange and asked why they would take different medicines when they had the same illness. Hua Tuo told them, “You got the fever because of the stomach ache, whilst you got the fever because of the cold weather, so I wrote two prescriptions.” After taking medicines, two patients recovered soon. [Annotation] 症: Condition, illness. [Definition] Acting according to the specific conditions/situations. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  11. In the first three years of King Zhuang of Chu’s governance, he cared nothing but entertainment, in order to test his men’s dedication to the state. One official called Shen Wuwei noticed his intention and asked the king a riddle, “Once there was a big bird that didn’t fly or chirp in three years, do you know what kind of bird it is?” King Zhuang of Chu said with a smile, “This bird will go straight into the sky if it flies and will make the loudest sound if it chirps.” Afterwards, the king worked hard and made the state prosperous. [Definition] When someone unnoticed makes excellent achievements out of the blue. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  12. During the Warring States Period, Qin was the most powerful among the seven states, so the other six intended to against Qin through a corporation. The King of Qin had a tactic of sending Zhang Yi to estrange every state and thus defend them. Zhang Yi told the King of Wei, “If Wei cannot get along with its neighbour Zhao as it does with the other five states, Wei would be attacked by four surrounding states, then the state must be split. Why not friend Qin?” The King of Wei was persuaded and finally allied with Qin. [Definition] When (something) is split or not united. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  13. There is a group of chickens on the turf. One big rooster is displaying his golden feathers and strong body, yet another rooster argues that his voice is the loudest and the most beautiful. As they almost start to fight, a white crane flies down and stands among the chicken, both roosters are shocked by its beauty and stop disputing. [Definition] When someone has exceptional appearance or capacity among a group, just like a crane stands in a group of chickens. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  14. Once eight Gods were invited to Penglai, after the meal, Tieguai Li suggested visiting Penglai Mountain, and the rest all agreed. As they reached the East China Ocean, Lü Dongbin said to others, “Since we’re God and Goddess, let’s cross the ocean without a boat.” As soon as he finished, Zhong Hanli took out his huge cattail fan and jumped on it, moving towards the centre of the ocean. He Xiangu crossed the ocean by standing on her lotus. Tieguai Li then threw his walking stick into the ocean and stood on it, and Han Xiangzi crossed the ocean by his flower basket. The rest Gods all crossed the ocean with their own powers. [Annotation] Tieguai Li, Lü Dongbin, Zhong Hanli, He Xiangu, and Han Xiangzi is all one of the eight Gods, the rest three are Zhang Guolao, Lan Caihe, and Cao Guojiu. [Definition] It literarily means eight Gods crossed the ocean, but its extended meaning is when someone achieves success with his special ability or power. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  15. During the Easter Han, Yangzi Le left home to study. After a year, he came back because of homesick. His wife cut the silk on the spinning wheel immediately when seeing her husband, Le asked her why, and she said, “Quitting school halfway is like cutting this unfinished silk.” Le was inspired, and he came back to study, this time he left home for seven years and didn’t come back until he completed his study. [Annotation] 废: Stop, quit. [Definition] When (someone) stops doing something halfway and cannot stick to it. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  16. During the Easter Han, the emperor wanted to entitle nobility to relatives of the empress dowager, she strongly disagreed and responded, “My extended family is obsessed with power and only knows to play. I’ve seen people visiting them, in front of their houses, carriages are like flooding water and horses are like dancing dragons. You will destroy the country if you entitle them.” [Definition] When a place is filled with cars and people, becoming extremely crowded and busy. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  17. A tiger catches a fox and is about to eat it, the fox says, “I’m the king of all animals, if you eat me, you’ll be punished by God.” The tiger doesn’t believe it, and then the fox says, “Follow me to the forest, I want to show you something.” The tiger follows the fox to the forest, the fox walks slowly and smiley in the front, and all animals run away when they see the tiger behind him. Hence, the tiger believes the fox’s word and releases him. [Annotation] 假: By using something. [Definition] When someone is using a person’s power to suppress or frighten others. * Visit here if you are interested in more Chinese folk tales https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  18. Once upon a time, there was a musician called GongMing Yi, he was a master at playing the guqin. One day he travelled with his guqin, seeing mountains, a river, and a bovine-eating grass nearby. He was so fascinated by the beautiful landscape that he played the guqin to the bovine. Although he played so well, the bovine had no reaction as if he didn’t hear the music, GongMing was angry. Meanwhile, a man who passed by told him, “It’s not because your music is bad, but because the bovine cannot understand it.” *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  19. Yuan Ji was a famous scholar during the Wei and Jin Dynasty, who was knowledgeable and acted very unrestrictedly. He could stay at home for months for reading; also, he could travel for months with his friends while enjoying beautiful landscapes. He played so hard when he was happy that he could forget his own appearance. [Definition] Originally means someone is so happy that he forgets everything. Now it is used to criticize the shallows that are too happy to control themselves when they succeed. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  20. Once there was a bird called Hanhao Niao who lived in the Wutai Mountain. Summer was the time they became plump, and they often showed off to others and said, “How beautiful I am!” They spent all the time playing and never built their nests, when winter arrived, their furs fell off and were no longer beautiful. They hide in the stone at night when the sun came out, they comforted themselves by saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” [Annotation] 且: Temporarily. [Definition] To live one’s life without direction or a long-term goal. *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  21. Once there was a farmer, he hasn’t seen any growth of his germinated seedlings after transplanting. He was so anxious that he pulled up the seedlings and was exhausted when he returned home. He told his son happily, “I finally help the seedlings grow.” His son hurriedly went to the field, founding all seedings were dead. [Definition] When (someone) catalyses something (a plant, an event) but dismisses its growth cycle, ending with a disastrous result. *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  22. In Tang Dynasty, Han Yu was demoted because he rejected to put the osseous remains of the Buddha in the palace. He later wrote a letter to Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, in which suggesting holding a great ceremony of veneration on Mount Tai and asking for the emperor’s permission to participate in this rear event, otherwise, he would live in regret for the rest of his life. The emperor was satisfied with his sincerity and let him hold this event. [Annotation] 载: Year. [Definition] (Something) that hardly occurs in a thousand years, or once in a blue moon. * If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  23. In the middle of the Warring States Period, wars occurred frequently, and people were suffering. Mencius said to his students, “Once King Wen of Zhou carried benevolent governance, beginning from a 7500-square-kilometre-land and finally beat King Zhou of Shang, saving all the people. If a big country like Qi can do the same, our wars will be ended with half the effort Zhou paid.” [Annotation] 1. Warring States Period: an era in ancient Chinese history characterized by warfare, as well as bureaucratic and military reforms and consolidation. 2. King Wen: Count of Zhou during the late Shang dynasty in ancient China. 3. King Zhou: The last ruler of the Shange dynasty in ancient China. 4. Qi: A state of the Zhou dynasty era in ancient China, one of the seven most powerful states in the Warring States Period. [Definition] When (something) only requires a small effort to achieve remarkable results. *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  24. Once upon a time, a master of a temple gave a bottle of wine to the guards of the temple. Yet one bottle wasn’t enough for the guards, so one person suggested a competition, he who finished drawing a snake first will get the wine. Guards all agreed and began to draw. A man finished quickly and was bored waiting for others to finish, so he took out the hen and added four feet to his snake. Meanwhile, another man finished drawing, he stopped the man from taking the wine, “Yours is not a snake. Snake doesn’t have a foot.” Then he took the wine and drank. [Annotation] 足: Foot. [Definition] When (someone) has done extra work that leads to an unpleasant/harmful result. *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
  25. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was an artist called Zengyao Zhang. It is said that he painted four dragons on the wall of a temple, yet all of them have no eyes. People asked him why, and he answered, “The dragons will fly away if they have eyes.” People thought he was lying, so he has to paint eyes for two of the dragons. Suddenly the sky was thundering and lightning, and two dragons flew away. People were shocked by his painting skill, after that, there were only two dragons with no eyes left on the wall. [Definition] When (someone) adds a punchline to their speeches or articles and makes the content more meaningful. *If you are interested in Chinese folk tales or ghosts stories, have a look at: https://chinesestoriesfolktales.quora.com
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