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Posts posted by Errol

  1. Good day, I'm new here, but hoping the site will help me improve my French. I hope you won't be disappointed that for the life of me I can't think what the speaker means by "une nid de carrottes". However, I have looked around a bit and I've found something interesting in Reverso's forum. There are two relevant sentences. In one the speaker speaks of "un nid de carrottes", which suggests the word may indeed be "nid" despite the wrong article being used. In another sentence though, the speaker says "une nid (de verdure)" so it appears for some speakers "nid" is feminine.

    I agree that it doesn't sound like "une livre". Anyway I think carrots are more often sold as a bunch rather than by weight. One of Reverso's example phrases is "un nid de poires", so I think one could be reasonably certain what is meant "nid", and probably "une nid". 

    Jolly interesting question.

    I don't know how to copy the audio, but perhaps you can find it with this link:



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