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Posts posted by Jellyfish

  1. There are actually onomatopoeia for famous songs, particularly songs with guitar. Like:

    dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun

    dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun

    That's the breakdown in Domination by Pantera, and one of the more simple ones I could think of.

    Also, there are things like "dadum tsh" for a drum rimshot, "wah wah" or "wow wow" for a wah pedal, and more.

    That's actually quite funny. First because I love this song and second because I would say dö dö dö instead of dun dun dun.

    "An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound"

    Like omnomnom? Omnomatopoeia?

  2. I actually worked for a while in Norway, I was an au pair and lived with a Norwegian family.  I really recommend this culture exhcnage program, the pay isn't too bad either, plus you get to meet a lot amazing people while you are working abroad.  This job made me a more independent and open person, plus I met my first boyfriend this way.  I had never been so happy in my life before, not the way I was when I was living and working in Norway.

    That must have been some nice experience. Norway is a very rich country and still one of the favourite countries for a German to move to.

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