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      2012bulgara77 - Linguaholic Jump to content


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        italian and spanish

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      1. In the sentence : " He gave the gift to her " - El dio' el regalo a ella. El regalo - is direct object a ella - is the indirect object Substituting " el regalo " with pronouns became: El se lo dio' se/a ella/ lo/el realo/
      2. You should use the subjunctive because it is own subjective opinion and bacause the verb "creer" requires almost always use subjuntive after it. Subjuntive express uncertainty, unreality invalidity. Just because "creer" is one verb that expresses subjectivity requires the following verb to be in subjuntive.
      3. This is a very succesful technics to memorize new words. The new word have to be in sentences. Never learn words alone! It's good to read a series of different sentences introducing 1 new world. Actually each sentence of the group contain the new word. After repete the group of centences 3- 10 ways , you can repeat the same exercise with an other new word.
      4. The verb "Haber " is irregular in preterito indefinido Pretérito perfecto (yo) hube (tú) hubiste (él) hubo (nosotros) hubimos (vosotros) hubisteis (ellos) hubieron
      5. One of the best think to do is to learn with love. How can it happen? For examle if you have a favorite singer or artist or movie , if you love really something try to connect it with the linguage you study. For example for me Michael Jackson is the favorite singer, I adore him . When I studied english I was infinitely happy to see all his interviews and to watch them again and again..... really fan. It was incredible to understand every text of his song , lisening again and again.
      6. In the sentence the action of the verb falls on the object. We say the direct object without any preposition. ex.: Tomo el cafe' - I take the coffee Leo el libro - I read the book there is no preposition before "cafe" and "libro" The opposite , we say the indirect object with some preposition ex.: Hablo a mi hermana - I talk to my sister Trabajo con papa' _ I work with my dad Pienso en ti - I think about you There is preposition before the object. It could be : "a , con , para , por , en , de". When the indirect object is with preposition "a" we can substitute it with pronouns indirect object. The other prepositions could not be substituted with pronouns. Hablo a mi hermana. Le hablo - I talk to my sister . I talk to her.
      7. I am italian techer and started to study spanish , because the school I have worked had no spanish teachers at this moment. After 4 weeks I learnd 3000 spanish words and my boss appoint me to teach spanish as well. It's incredible but trought. The point is that italian and spanish linguages are very similar linguages grammaticaly and lexicaly , therefore I learned so muth.
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