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Posts posted by yurithebest1

  1. I have been hearing this expression "Vabbene" a lot in Italian and i know that it means Okay or Fine, but i am just willing to know now its vocabulary meaning, i mean is it composed of two nouns and the whole meaning is Okay, or the whole word means Okay.

  2. Well i can almost assure you that if you entice them to start reading books at home that will improve their writing level in a magical way, by the way i still remember what an English teacher used to told us quoted "reading is magic" but it's not instant because it takes some time and the good thing is that it works. Giving them the same books to read will make them excited to compete against each other, and they should make you a written summary after reading each book, you will notice how their levels are improving.

  3. When you ask a direct question you don't change the main verb, it has to be in the infinitive with just removing "to", what you change is the verb "To do" in the beginning of the direct question, here is what i mean:

    In the simple present tense: You should use "Does" with only the subjects "He" or "She" or "It" and for the all the other subjects you use "Do".

    Does he go to school?

    Does it work that way?

    Does she see a doctor?

    Do you have a cellphone?

    Do they see it?

    For the past tense, you use only "Did" in the beginning of the question with all subjects and without changing the main verb.

    Did you see her yesterday?

    Did he read a book last week?

  4. To be honest with you guys, i no longer use any dictionary anymore because carrying my mobile phone with just one app does everything for me, so whenever i am reading a book at work i just unlock my cellphone and look up any word on my app dictionary, i can even get examples and translation in my native tongue, and i think that's better than any traditional dictionary book.

    The benefits that those apps brought to us is that you don't have to carry heavy dictionaries with you whenever you go, because when i was in high school i used to bring them with me whenever i was studying a foreign language and that made me very exhausted because all of the pounds that i was carrying in my back.

  5. I started studying Italian a few weeks ago and as i am very excited to practice what i learned, i am looking for books that can help me and guide me through Italian grammar, in particular i want books that include lessons and exercises as well as solutions for these exercises.

    i found a lot of books being sold on the internet but i don't know which ones are good for me and for my level as a beginner, so that makes me a little bit confused on what to get.

  6. Nice one... that made me think a lot and laugh hard at the same time because i don't know why a number like that one in particular is fearful, well for me i just hate that number because they say it's the number of the devil but i don't know whether it has some other meanings for people to fear it.

  7. There is also the negation with "personne" which means either "a person" in the phrase "une personne" or "no one" as in "je ne connais personne"or "I don't know anyone" or "i know no one".

    There is "rien" or "nothing" which works in the same way. "Je ne sais rien" or '"I don't know anything" or "I know nothing".

    Right... and "Personne" can also be placed in the beginning but as in English when you place "Personne" "Nobody" in the beginning, you don't put negation after just like the following example:

    Personne peut savoir.

    Nobody can know.

  8. Before starting learning Italian i was very confused because i didn't know if i should pick Spanish or Italian as a fourth language, but after thinking about it i decided that Italian would be good for me since it sounds more classy and it sounds more like singing when speaking it.

    The good news is that i have already started leaning it and i am really enjoying it, but i should focus more on practicing it, so you will see me more often in Italian threads.

  9. J'habite aux États-Unis mais bientôt je vais déménager à France! J'ai connu une fille quand j'y ai visité. Avant j'ai visité j'ai pris 3 ans de la langue française en Lycée. J'ai parlé mauvais quand j'ai quitté les États-Unis. J'espère que mon français est assez pour une année en France. J'ai peur, et j'ai hâte aussi. :)

    Ne t'inquiéte pas, ca va etre un peu difficile au debut mais tu vas t'habituer peu a peu, de temps a autre essayez de lire des livres en Francais pour s'ameliorer, et regardez des films Français sous-titrés.

    Au fais, tu vas vivre dans quelle ville en France?

  10. I have just checked out that website and to be honest i don't think that it is very professional because as i can notice the owners of the website didn't give some of their time to improve it, well the design is the proof, it simply doesn't encourage new people to sign up, maybe their lessons might be good and interesting but the first impression that i got when i first opened the website is that it is not very professional. 

  11. For you as a beginner in French, i would suggest you to download easy listening songs, because they are very understandable and the French that is used in that genre of music isn't very hard, so i am going to give you two French artists that will help you improve your understanding of French who are Francoise Hardy and Dalida, you can also try Edith Piaf, who is loved by most of French people.

  12. We all know that French is a very rich language that contains a lot of long words, so today as i was surfing the internet i found a very long French word which is "anticonstitutionnellement" that many people use in politics which means that it is not adaptable to the constitution.

    There are still a lot of words like that, which are very long in French, so will you share with us the longest French words that you guys know from your knowledge?

  13. I understand Martee, of course in order to read Arabic subtitles on the screen, you will have to know at least how to read Arabic letters and that is the minimum, so it is better to start reading some books first or take courses for beginners and when you start reading it and understanding it, then those TV subtitles can help you learn more.

  14. If you want to use negation in French you just use the form 'Ne...Pas', 'Ne' is usually put after the subject and 'Pas' after the verb, here is an example:

    He doesn't want to go - Il ne veut pas aller

    In the example above 'Il' is the subject so we put 'Ne' directly after it, and we put 'Pas' after 'Veut' which is from the verb 'Vouloir' that is conjugated in the present tense.

    If someone of you guys want to add more rules about negation in French or particularities, you still can post in this thread so that everybody can benefit from that course.

  15. Madame Bovary by Flaubert is definitely a classic. Here in Switzerland, almost everybody reads this at school.

    The book is amazing... But to be honest i think that the first part is a little bit boring but when i started reading the second part, the book becomes more interesting, because that's when the change happens, and every day i just want to know what will Emma do and what will happen to her.

  16. Hello yurithebest1, I have Arabic TV channels at home and watch them a lot. My favorite channel is ART because it has a variety of shows from all over the Arab world.

    ART is a very famous and old company in the Arab world that has some very good channels which broadcast music, movies, news, documentaries and much more. However i have to admit that i don't watch its channels a lot because if i want to get their channels on my satellite receiver i will have to pay for them, and to be honest i don't want to pay for something that i can get for free on other channels and other internet websites as well.

  17. YEEEY! I have just tried answering some couple of questions in that TOEFL test and i don't think that it is very difficult, in fact i want to pass it to study abroad and what some of my friends told me about it, is that time is the problem because it is usually easy but time isn't enough to think and answer to all the questions quickly, so even if it is easy you will have to know how to manage your time.

  18. I have always been wondering that if i start learning Swedish then i will be able to understand Norwegian and Finnish as well. I am asking this question because when i usually talk to my Norwegian friends they say that they can understand Swedish without any difficulties, is it because they are all the same? or are there just some similarities that are found in those Scandinavian languages?

  19. I want to start this thread to talk about the three ways that you can use to ask the same question in the simple present (Present) in French and they are:

    Avez-vous un livre?

    Vous avez un livre?

    Est-ce que vous avez un livre?

    All these questions have the same meaning which is 'Do you have a book?' but in the first sentence we just switch the subject (vous) and the verb (avoir) which is conjugated in the present tense (avez), in the second sentence we don't switch them so it is just a simple sentence but the tone of the sentence has to be like asking a question, and in the last sentence we use 'est-ce que' which means 'is it that' so that we can make a question and usually after that form we don't switch the subject and the verb.

  20. I think that those videos are very interesting since they teach Arabic alphabet in a very easy manner, and obviously those videos are made for young children but they can also be very important for people who want to learn Arabic as a second language.

    What i like about the videos posted above is that they are easy to follow and not very complicated, even if they are going to seem a little bit hard for beginners but you will just have to give them more of your time so that they can be mastered.

  21. Hard level of French classic books doesn't stop me from reading them, in the opposite whenever i start reading a new classic book i feel like it is a challenge for me.

    Candide a great philosophic book of Candide that pushed to read that kind of books, and i have to admit that it is one of the best books that i have ever read in French, which pushed me to buy it in English too so that i can understand it well. I also read a book of Balzac called Eugenie Grandet and now i am reading a classic which name is madame Bovary of Flaubert.

    What about you guys? has any one of you read that kind of books which is special in its genre?

  22. To learn Arabic efficiently you will have to live it, i mean the best way is to reside in an Arab country for a couple of months, even if it needs a lot of hard work.

    Just to tell my experience as i am an Arab with an American girl who has been living in Morocco a few months now, I have to admit that her pronunciation is improving in a very fascinating way since she practices it regularly. Well yes there is a difference between Fus'ha and 3amiyya, and she does perfectly well by learning 3amiyya from the street and learning  Fus'ha from a local university.

  23. I just want to point out that people who are learning Arabic, can learn a lot by watching movies and TV shows on one of the biggest Arab Satellite on their receiver, all of Arab TV satellites have some channels that display American and English movies during all the day with Arabic subtitles in the bottom of the screen.

    If you are too busy to watch TV, you still can watch your favorite movies on your computer using Arabic subtitles which are available in most internet websites.

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