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Everything posted by Tearradh

  1. I over use it. My favorite text is, lol haha. I use that in almost every text. It doesn't even have to be funny for me to use it. It is almost like its instinct or a habit. Sometimes I will notice and think, "hmm, I just lied, because I really didn't laugh out loud".
  2. I think both would help too. In Spanish class they do teach you the proper way to speak and write in Spanish. But when you actually talk to someone, just like any language, there is definitely going to be things that they do not teach you. With English there are a lot of sayings and things now, that a person who isn't fluent, would not understand.
  3. I have heard people say that they have learned a language by being around people who spoke that language constantly. Has anyone ever learned how to speak Spanish that way? How long did it take?
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