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Posts posted by broknkyboard

  1. I have a weekly target that's either time related, vocabulary related, or an amount of grammar lessons that I try to accomplish. It's usually something easy that doesn't require much concentration as I'm in no hurry to finish learning a new language.

  2. Well, if your academic studies/career don't require it any way then learning Latin wouldn't be a good choice as it's pretty much a dead language, and only exists in writing nowadays. However, if you don't learn language for specific purposes (such as moving to a new country for instance) then go ahead, there's a lot of interesting reading material in Latin.

  3. You should keep in mind the structural differences of the language when learning complete phrases (i.e the verbs are usually present at the very end of the sentence). Don't try to get any literal translations of Japanese sentences since they almost always don't fit into the English language structure. The same applies to some words that combine two or more Kanji characters.

    Example: 'Kimono' means a specific traditional Japanese piece of clothing, but literally Ki Mono is 'Thing to Wear'.

  4. Definitely subbed. In both cases their are some parts of the dialogue that are lost or contorted due to translation difficulties from Japanese to English, but with the subbed versions those parts are smaller and the pieces of the dialogue that go missing are a lot less. I've also started to notice the differences in the way verbs are pronounced in their different forms, which might come to help me in my learning process.

  5. I initially thought it would be the Kanji, and the thought of memorizing hundreds of characters seemed dreadful, but after a while learning those characters became easier and took a lot less time. After a while I stopped thinking of them as tiny drawings and started viewing them as meaningful letters which really helped. Now the hardest aspect is learning the correct grammar and usage of verbs in their oh-so-many forms.

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