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Posts posted by dorannmwin

  1. My daughter is going to be starting sixth grade in the fall. When I was her age I had already learned and perfected cursive writing. She, on the other hand, doesn't have the slightest inclination to even signing her name.

    I believe that cursive writing is something that is losing it's emphasis in the digital world. It is becoming much less important for people to be able to know how to write.

  2. Actually, I think that I would say that it is quite the opposite. I think that English is one of the most difficult languages to learn. There are a lot of different rules in English that make learning the language hard. In addition to that, there are also a lot of words that have different spellings and different meanings like to/two or their/there, etc.

  3. Wow, you certainly are an accomplished linguist and I wish you the best of luck with learning Arabic and Greek.

    I would absolutely love to have the opportunity to learn ASL but I've not found anywhere in my area that offers courses in it.

  4. I don't know that I would say that it is different kinds of English but rather the different accents that people have. Even within the United States, there are different accents from all over. I'm from the south and I know that I have a southern accent. When I travel up north people act like I don't speak the same language as them because my accent and pronounciation is much different from theirs.

  5. Honestly, it's been years since I took the SATs and when I did it was only out of a possible 1600.

    That said, one of the things that I found that helped me improve my English portion of the test was the study of words. There were a lot of "hot" words that I never knew before so getting a list of those and studying those helped me a whole lot.

    Another tip is to not spend too much time thinking about a question. If you can't figure out the answer pretty quickly, skip over it and come back to it later. It is better to have skipped a few questions throughout the test than to have a whole section that you weren't able to get to.

  6. I really don't know that it is possible to learn an accent without being exposed to it on a regular basis. I find that for me I pick up different accents depending on the people that I am around.

    My son has learned Spanish from native speakers and yet even his Spanish doesn't have an authentic accent.

  7. Our local school districts facebook page is a continual page of humor during the winter when kids are begging for school to be called off. They miss almost every grammar rule when they are making their posts.

    If that says anything about how well the kids are being taught, they definitely don't need days off during the winter and they don't need the summer off either. An example "Please cancel skool tomorrow."

  8. For me, it really depends on the kind of discussion that I am having. When I'm having a pretty professional type of conversation then I will never use smileys. However, when I'm chatting with friends and family members, I will throw in a smiley occasionally.

    I particularly think this one is cute:  :wacky:

  9. Granted it was years ago when I was in school, but when I was, if we had a cell phone in the classroom and were caught with it, it was confiscated.

    Perhaps you could get a basket and on test or quiz days pass that around and offer some kind of a small bonus (one point perhaps) for each student that places their device in the basket. They can then pick them up when they are leaving the classroom at the end of the period.

    And of course if they are caught with a device that they didn't turn in during the test/quiz, they would automatically fail that days work.

  10. On the one hand, you might have some issues with pronunciation when it comes to new languages that you are learning. However, I would definitely say not to let your speech difficulties discourage you from learning another language.

    With practice you will be able to pick up on the nuances, it just might be something that will take you longer than it will take some other people.

  11. When I was in college I decided that I was going to try to learn French. It really only lasted one semester for me. The reason that I choose to not continue with it was because it was difficult for me to remember the rules of French when I had spent so many years of my life learning the rules and mechanics of Spanish.

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