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Posts posted by Mim

  1. Hmm, interesting. I have never asked myself what the most beautiful script is. For example, Chinese or Japanese scripts are too ordinary for me (I am Japanese) and I cannot easily enjoy the beauty of their optic effects. When I see Chinese or Japanese script, I automatically catch the meaning and it makes difficult for me to focus on the form itself.

    Anyway, Siddham script (sanskrit) is the most beautiful script for me. I want to learn sanskrit in the future.


  2.   Isn't this also known as Densha_Otoko?

    Densha Otoko is a "true story" based on the posts from an internet forum. I have not read the book, but watched the movie :vampire: I do not know much about Hankyu Densha , but I think it is a fictional story written by a novelist. Both of them are love stories and in both stories two people first meet on a train or so  :love:

  3. The question "Who is Ben?" would be 「誰がベンですか」 but still,

    "wa" is used to put emphasis on the rest of the sentence, while "ga" puts emphasis on the subject of the sentence.

    I find this explanation is really useful. どうもありがとう :smile:

  4. Plus, it's great for learning those slang words you can't really pick up in books, as well as getting native's recommendations for movies, books, etc in their language.

    Agreed. Lately I use lang8 almost everyday. To receive a correction by an English native speaker is not easy for me (by German is much easier) and the quality of corrections is not always good but still, it is useful for me.

  5. Holiday haiku is a good idea :laugh:

    One of my ex is a poet and he wrote sometimes haiku. Once he tried to write one with me. It seemed easy, but was difficult...

    Matsuo Basho's famous one "Furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto (an old pond / a frog jumps in / sound of water)" is my favorite. The beauty of quietness in this poem makes me almost cry (yes, I am weird) :cry:

  6. I have an account on Goodreads and use it sometimes.

    What I find great about Goodreads is, it reminds me that there are so many people out there, who actually read books and are passionate about it. Especially books I read, which is not always a best-seller. It's often said that the number of readers is decreasing, but there are people who read, even outside of universities. That is really good to know :love:

  7. Hello!

    I teach Japanese to a beginner and now he has a problem with particle, especially wa and ga.

    I can tell which particle should be used in an actual sentence, but can't explain why. For me, a native Japanese speaker it's purely intuitive. I did a quick research, but there are various explanations and now I'm confused :cry:

    Could you tell me how did you learn and/or how do you understand the difference between wa and ga? It would be very helpful for me :vampire:

  8. 夏(natsu, summer)

    そろそろ夏になってきましたね! :smile:

    「将来」と「未来」の違いは何ですか? :confused:


  9. 緑茶以外、特にハーブティーとかは日本だと高くて種類が限られているのでいいかなと思います。でもまぁたしかに、アメリカは特にお茶で有名なわけでもないですね…

    絵はがき、私は大好きです!もらったら凄く嬉しい!あんまり荷物にもならないし、いいかも :shy:

  10. うーん、確かに日本からだと結構なんでも買えたりしますよね…でもそこは仕方ない!



    私の知り合いはTrader Joe's でクッキーとか買ってました。もうどれだったか覚えていないけど、美味しかったです。


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