I actually started out on a course where I was taught mostly European Portuguese but I didn't get very far before I visited Brazil for the first time. And that was where I learned to speak the language. Later I continued my studies in my home country and found it quite confusing because the grammar I was taught was not how my Brazilian friends talked at all. I find Portuguese people speaking quite hard to understand but of course it is the same language, so I suppose I would get used to the accent rather soon if I was to spend more time in Portugal or in another Portuguese speaking country. To be honest I don't understand many Brazilians either, there are so many different accents and some people just don't speak clearly. I've been to Portugal twice, briefly, and I am always somehow a little ashamed of my Brazilian accent there, I don't know why really. Surely the people can understand that I'm a foreigner and just happened to learn Portuguese in Brazil. But to answer the question why Brazilian? I didn't really plan that. I wanted to learn Portuguese and then I just had the idea of going to Brazil and fell in love with the country. Well, actually my first contact with the language was listening to Brazilian music, so maybe that was the ultimate reason?