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      jordanmc97 - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. I'm English so I always add 'U's to words Like Colour and Flavour, I do find myself leaving the U out when on American Forums though, as the red correction lines irritate me.
      2. Before an exam, I'm usually a bit nervous, but I wouldn't show it, Just act as if it's only an exam, I find chewing gum helps relax and take your mind away from the actual test. In fact, chewing gum has been proved to help link with your revision depending on the flavor - If you chewed Mint gum during your revision sessions and during the test, this apparently jogs the memory, how true this is I'm not sure, but I find it helps.
      3. After searching the internet for some of the funniest English words, this is what it came up with : Abibliophobia - The fear of running out of reading material. Absquatulate - To leave or abscond with something. Allegator - Some who alleges. Anencephalous - Lacking a brain. Argle-bargle - A loud row or quarrel. Batrachomyomachy - Making a mountain out of a molehill. Billingsgate - Loud, raucous profanity. Bloviate - To speak pompously or brag. Blunderbuss - A gun with a flared muzzle or disorganized activity. Borborygm - A rumbling of the stomach. Boustrophedon - A back and forth pattern. Bowyang - A strap that holds the pants legs in place. Brouhaha - An uproar. Bumbershoot - An umbrella. Callipygian - Having an attractive rear end or nice buns. Canoodle - To hug and kiss. Cantankerous - Testy, grumpy. Catercornered - Diagonal(ly). Cockalorum - A small, haughty man. Cockamamie - Absurd, outlandish. Codswallop - Nonsense, balderdash. Collop - A slice of meat or fold of flab. Collywobbles - Butterflies in the stomach. Comeuppance - Just reward, just deserts. Crapulence - Discomfort from eating or drinking too much. Crudivore - An eater of raw food. Discombobulate - To confuse. Donnybrook - An melee, a riot. Doozy - Something really great. Dudgeon - A bad mood, a huff. Ecdysiast - An exotic dancer, a stripper. Eructation - A burp, belch. Fard - Face-paint, makeup. Fartlek - An athletic training regime. Fatuous - Unconsciously foolish. Filibuster - Refusal to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote. Firkin - A quarter barrel or small cask. Flibbertigibbet - Nonsense, balderdash. Flummox - To exasperate. Folderol - Nonsense. Formication - The sense of ants crawling on your skin. Fuddy-duddy - An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person. Furbelow - A fringe or ruffle. Furphy - A portable water-container. Gaberlunzie - A wandering beggar. Gardyloo! - A warning shouted before throwing water from above. Gastromancy - Telling fortune from the rumblings of the stomach. Gazump - To buy something already promised to someone else. Gobbledygook - Nonsense, balderdash. Gobemouche - A highly gullible person. Godwottery - Nonsense, balderdash. Gongoozle - To stare at, kibitz. Gonzo - Far-out journalism. Goombah - An older friend who protects you. Hemidemisemiquaver - A musical timing of 1/64. Hobbledehoy - An awkward or ill-mannered young boy. Hocus-pocus - Deceitful sleight of hand. Hoosegow - A jail or prison. Hootenanny - A country or folk music get-together. Jackanapes - A rapscallion, hooligan. Kerfuffle - Nonsense, balderdash. Klutz - An awkward, stupid person. La-di-da - An interjection indicating that something is pretentious. Lagopodous - Like a rabbit's foot. Lickety-split - As fast as possible. Lickspittle - A servile person, a toady. Logorrhea - Loquaciousness, talkativeness. Lollygag - To move slowly, fall behind. Malarkey - Nonsense, balderdash. Maverick - A loner, someone outside the box. Mollycoddle - To treat too leniently. Mugwump - An independent politician who does not follow any party. Mumpsimus - An outdated and unreasonable position on an issue. Namby-pamby - Weak, with no backbone. Nincompoop - A foolish person. Oocephalus - An egghead. Ornery - Mean, nasty, grumpy. Pandiculation - A full body stretch. Panjandrum - Someone who thinks himself high and mighty. Pettifogger - A person who tries to befuddle others with his speech. Pratfall - A fall on one's rear. Quean - A disreputable woman. Rambunctious - Aggressive, hard to control. Ranivorous - Frog-eating Rigmarole - Nonsense, unnecessary complexity. Shenanigan - A prank, mischief. Sialoquent - Spitting while speaking. Skedaddle - To hurry somewhere. Skullduggery - No good, underhanded dealing. Slangwhanger - A loud abusive speaker or obnoxious writer. Smellfungus - A perpetual pessimist. Snickersnee - A long knife. Snollygoster - A person who can't be trusted. Snool - A servile person. Tatterdemalion - A child in rags. Troglodyte - Someone or something that lives in a cave. Turdiform - Having the form of a lark. Unremacadamized - Having not been repaved with macadam. Vomitory - An exit or outlet. Wabbit - Exhausted, tired, worn out. Widdershins - In a contrary or counterclockwise direction. Yahoo - A rube, a country bumpkin. Wabbit is definitely one of my favorites along with smellfungus!
      4. It's not just me then, I'm constantly using the word 'However' when trying to write more formally, it's a really bad habit because not only does it sound weird, I look like a moron when using it in a sentence where it doesn't belong.
      5. I could probably say no, I don't care what others think of the way i speak, as would most people, but i do care how i speak, I'm constantly using words such as 'like' and 'innit' instead of isn't it, just because that's the way I've spoke for so long, It's a habit. If the way i speak isn't brought up, i usually don't notice, but usually the way i speak might come across as 'chavy' but it only really bothers me when it's brought to my attention by someone.
      6. When I read to myself, I always skim text, and people have questioned me as to how I've responded so fast over Facebook, yet if i read out loud, I misread words, speak slowly and usually become a nervous wreck. It's most likely a confidence issue, as I can read/write perfectly well, Only when It comes to reading out loud do i mess things up.
      7. As an English person, I've always been curious if other countries learnt the English Language like we learn French/German/Spanish. I guess now I know!
      8. I took French at school however I didn't take an interest, is there a method i could use to keep at it? I would love to be able to read/answer questions when someone has them about a french word/phrase, and even be able to fluently talk to someone in a foreign language.
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