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Posts posted by WeDontSleep

  1. Probably Korean. I know that the Korean writing system is extremely easy to learn, but it's hard to pronounce their words so I will definitely have to work on that. I don't really have a reason for learning Korean other than I that I would probably like to visit South Korea some time in the future, because it's such a technologically advanced country. They have the world's fastest internet and wifi is pretty much available everywhere.

  2. I suggest taking a look at a YouTube channel called HIDETCHI, he has some very good basic Japanese lessons. That's where I learned my basics and then moved on to other sources. He's a native Japanese speaker who also speaks English very well, I don't think that you'll find anything better out there.

  3. Just like most people in the thread, I think that I'm a little bit of both visual and auditory learner. For example when learning Russian I learn 10 new words every day, then I watch a Russian movie, or read a Russian article somewhere on the internet. I'm so happy when I hear or see the words that I just learned be used in a sentence.

  4. Born in Lithuania (located in Eastern Europe) so English is not my native language, but I have been exposed to the English language over television, I remember watching Nickelodeon and Discovery Channel ever since I was around 5 or 6 years old. Even though I barely understood anything (if at all), when I started learning English in school at 7 years old, everything sounded so familiar and it was so easy to pronounce the words. I think I have an American accent because of all the American shows that I watched throughout my childhood and early teens :D

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