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Everything posted by WeDontSleep

  1. My mom told me that my first word was, I kid you not, "telescope". My mom, dad and me were walking around in the park one evening and there was some old man looking through an amateur telescope at the moon and the stars and I saw it and simply said "telescope"
  2. For me it's speaking, maybe I just have some social barrier that I can't break because of fear of getting laughed at because I will say something that makes absolutely no sense But that's only when I'm not familiar enough, later on, when I have full comprehension of every word I'm about to say, I lose that fear.
  3. English is probably the easiest one to learn. The hardest one from my experience is Russian, the grammar is incredibly hard to wrap your mind around, I've found many words that simply cannot be translated into any other language that I know which makes me feel super uncomfortable because I have no idea if I am able to use those words in my sentences correctly.
  4. I don't really care much, it seems that English is even a little easier for me since I mostly participate in English forums and barely in any other ones. Sometimes I have trouble with sentence structure when I'm writing in English because I can't directly translate something from my native language to English, but other than that it's all fine I think.
  5. That's almost how English was taught in my school. For the first 2 or 3 years (I can remember exactly) it was taught mostly in my native language, but later on the teacher would almost always speak English and nothing else. In my opinion that is probably the most effective way of teaching, because you are pretty much forced to adapt.
  6. Probably Korean. I know that the Korean writing system is extremely easy to learn, but it's hard to pronounce their words so I will definitely have to work on that. I don't really have a reason for learning Korean other than I that I would probably like to visit South Korea some time in the future, because it's such a technologically advanced country. They have the world's fastest internet and wifi is pretty much available everywhere.
  7. I don't think that Chinese will ever replace English as the international language. All the popular media, the movies, the music we all listen to on the radio, the video games that we play are mostly presented in English, it would be really hard and would take a lot of time for this to change.
  8. Huh, that's an interesting question. What is "correct English"? I talk to foreigners almost every day and I just talk the same as I talk to my university professors. Maybe it's just the way I was taught or maybe I have never been exposed to the the different ways of communicating in English.
  9. I love the accent heard in old American movies, I believe it's called "Transatlantic". I have no idea why though, I guess I just watch a lot of movies from 1940's and 1950's and I know that nobody actually talked like that in those days, but it was taught in boarding schools and only used by actors in movies.
  10. I use "lol" mostly in video games and I really see no problem with this. In online games there's not much time to write out long sentences and "lol" is fast and everybody knows what it means so why not? I do see people sometimes overuse it, like they would use it after every sentence, but that's their problem.
  11. If you're not 100% sure that you will understand everything in the movie, you should definitely use subtitles. I mean otherwise you're just wasting your time. Even if you read all those subtitles, the subconscious mind will pick up some words that you will later hear and know what they mean.
  12. My reading speed depends on whether the material is something important or not. If I find it really interesting then I will read pretty slowly and try to get as much out of that text as possible, if it's not really important I'll probably just skim over it really fast without worrying too much about whether I got it all or not.
  13. I suggest taking a look at a YouTube channel called HIDETCHI, he has some very good basic Japanese lessons. That's where I learned my basics and then moved on to other sources. He's a native Japanese speaker who also speaks English very well, I don't think that you'll find anything better out there.
  14. Just like most people in the thread, I think that I'm a little bit of both visual and auditory learner. For example when learning Russian I learn 10 new words every day, then I watch a Russian movie, or read a Russian article somewhere on the internet. I'm so happy when I hear or see the words that I just learned be used in a sentence.
  15. I speak two languages fluently and I know some basic Russian. My dad speaks Lithuanian, English, Russian, German and a little bit of Polish. It's not that uncommon for people to speak more than one language, especially in Eastern Europe since we have so many languages just around the border.
  16. Born in Lithuania (located in Eastern Europe) so English is not my native language, but I have been exposed to the English language over television, I remember watching Nickelodeon and Discovery Channel ever since I was around 5 or 6 years old. Even though I barely understood anything (if at all), when I started learning English in school at 7 years old, everything sounded so familiar and it was so easy to pronounce the words. I think I have an American accent because of all the American shows that I watched throughout my childhood and early teens
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