When I was in middle school (junior high) we had a choice of different languages to study. I think we got to choose a new language every quarter. So, by the end of your first year, you'd have learned a little of four languages. I remember learning Latin, Italian, Spanish, and French. French was definitely the hardest for me. Latin was very interesting. Spanish appealed to me and also came naturally. It seemed that I had no trouble picking up on the Spanish language. When I went to high school in 9th grade, I chose Spanish as a class selection. I believe that every student had to take 2 years of a language. I enjoyed Spanish class because I was good at it, and we learned about the history and culture of Spain, along with other regions that speak it. We would have days where we'd all bring in Spanish-themed cuisine and have a fiesta. I took 4 years of Spanish class in high school, all together. I was lucky to know this language, because I once worked at a business that was mainly Hispanic workers. I was able to communicate with my co-workers through my knowledge of Spanish. It has been a good language to know, and I hope to become totally fluent someday.