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Everything posted by Quil

  1. Hi guys I'm a half-Polka/Polak (but my ambi-gender trans* issues are a post for another time) who's lived in Britain their whole life. My Polish is basic at best, but I desperately want to be fluent. Anyone willing to help?
  2. Hi guys I'm Quil, 20-something from England; half Polish, half Brit. The extent of my Polish is "ja nie mowie dobrze po polsku" and a few vocabulary words (and I most likely got that wrong!), so I'm definitely up for a language swap with a native Polak/Polka. (Sorry natives, I don't have Polish keyboard enabled to do the accents on characters properly). I'm a management data analyst by day and a wannabe writer by night, and I'm terrible at sticking around on forums so I'm seriously considering setting myself a reminder on my phone to check in here regularly Looking forward to meeting you all!
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