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      Cielosur - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      • Currently studying
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        English, Spanish

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      Newbie (1/14)



      1. I love that movie. It is so beautiful visually. I agree that Amelie is a movie that can easily make you fall in love with all things French. It certainly rekindled my love for the French language.
      2. The only place I can think of that offers free e-books in French is Project Gutenberg, but they are classics in the public domain. I believe they have some translations of Jane Austen's Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility. They also have several novels be Honore de Balzac and much more to choose from.
      3. I read a lot of books in Spanish. Most recently, I read a translation to Spanish of Eugenie Grandet by Honore de Balzac. I also love the work of Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and I highly recommend his books.
      4. Taking a foreign language was required in high school. I was already fluent in Spanish because I came from a Spanish speaking household so I chose French and I took it for four years. When I enrolled in college, I took two more semesters of French as part of the basic coursework but since it was considered an elective, I did not continue beyond that.
      5. Algunas correcciones : gusta instead of gustan (the n is not necessary in this case). Libre instead of liebre (liebre means hare). Also, it should be "comer, escuchar música y aprender idiomas".
      6. I love the short stories written by Shirley Jackson: The Lottery, Charles, and The Possibility of Evil. The first Shirley Jackson story I read was The Lottery. I read it in high school and I never forgot it.
      7. En cuanto a las series españolas, en estos momentos estoy obsesionada con Isabel pero solo he podido ver la primera temporada y creo que ya van en la tercera. También me gustó mucho El Secreto de Puente Viejo pero no la he podido ver toda porque no tengo acceso a todos los capítulos y tengo entendido que la serie es muy larga. También disfruto mucho ver las repeticiones de los programas de Chespirito como El Chavo del Ocho y El Chapulín Colorado. Es un humor muy lindo y muy sano.
      8. I want to get a good French/English dictionary. I think it would help me very much to build my vocabulary. I know that I can look up definitions and translate words online but I much prefer having an actual dictionary. What would you recommend?
      9. My biggest weakness without a doubt has to be the accents. I speak it fluently and I have no problem expressing my thoughts but if I have to write (or type) something in Spanish I get overwhelmed. I am constantly second guessing myself and consulting the dictionary to make sure I am getting the accents correctly. Needless to say, it takes me quite a while to write something in Spanish.
      10. I am going to go back in time to the 80s and recommend some of the bands that spearheaded the Rock En Tu Idioma movement. This was a campaign from one of the record labels to promote rock music in Spanish. The bands were primarily from Spain, Argentina, and Mexico Soda Stereo Enanitos Verdes Miguel Mateos Charly Garcia Miguel Rios La Union La Trinca Hombres G Nacha Pop Duncan Dhu Los Caifanes Maldita Vecindad I would also add Cafe Tacuba, La Ley and Mecano although these are more from the 90s.
      11. Me gusta mucho leer y también me gusta tejer con ganchillo. Otro pasatiempo que disfruto mucho es salir a caminar aunque ahora el calor esta insoportable así que me impide salir tan seguido como quisiera. Otra cosa que no puede faltar es la música. Paso horas enteras escuchando todo tipo de música.
      12. -Oye, pues mi hijo en su nuevo trabajo se siente como pez en el agua. -¿Qué hace? -Nada. ********** nada = nothing and also nada = to swim
      13. The first French movie I ever saw was La Mariee Etait En Noir (The Bride Wore Black). It is about a woman who takes revenge on the men who killed her husband on their wedding day. The way the movie was filmed is very reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock movies.
      14. Espectaculo = spectacle or show, show business Es un espectaculo deplorable. (It is a deplorable spectacle.) Me gusta seguir las noticias del mundo del espectaculo. (I like to follow show business news.)
      15. When I was in high school, I took French for four years and I was very good at it. I took another two semesters of French in college but then I stopped. As time went by, I forgot most of what I knew. Now, I want to relearn/refresh my skills so that I can enjoy French movies without subtitles and maybe one day visit France.
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