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Posts posted by Kangoo

  1. Honestly I'm guilty as charged on this specific point (but am trying to make up for it mind you). I'm a perfectly fluent French/English born Aussie, who had both her kids in France. For work/private purposes I do speak English every day online, so my kids are familiar with it, although I don't speak English at home with them... I know that I should have since the beginning but didn't. One is now in high school and the second has two years of elementary school left, both study English and are doing great (I have a blast helping them with homework and now encourage them for what is of using English at home whenever they want), but I know that it would have been easier for them if I had spoken English to them upfront.

  2. As we know, each country tends to have its stereotypes, and France doesn't escape the rule. I thought that it could be fun to share those you have heard about.. may they be right or totally wrong! :D

    French women don't shave: While I have came across a handful of ladies who seem to enjoy their armpit hair (but these days you still land on those worldwide and some are even currently trying to make a trend out of it) , the majority of French women shave/wax like everyone else.

    French people stink: Not that I know of, except maybe some country bumpkins, but once more you'll find the odd person who does wherever you go in the world.

    French people hate Americans: Well frankly, most of them dream to visit the U.S, so....

    French people drink wine every day: Well, I more or less do, why is that a bad thing? :P

    French men are very romantic: I wish....

  3. J'adore cuisiner et il est vrai que je pour ce qui est des spaghettis bolognaise, j'adore et essaie d'en faire au moins une fois toutes les deux semaines! :P
    Je suis très éclectique niveau cuisine et autant j'aime cuisiner Français, autant je me régale à faire des plats tels que le couscous royale, la paëlla, le goulash ou encore un bon mafé.

    En ce moment étant donné qu'en France nous sommes en hiver, j'ai ressorti les appareils à raclette et à fondue et du coup c'est l'orgie de fromage assurée! ;)

  4. Les festivités de fin d'année vont débuter sous peu, et j'etais curieuse de savoir ce que vous aviez prévu pour Noël (pour ceux qui le fêtent, évidemment) et pour le réveillon du nouvel an?

    Pour ma part j'ai opté pour la simplicité cette année, pour ce qui est de Noël, je le passerai avec mes deux fils - petit repas sympa et ouverture des cadeaux au petit matin (ils se réveillent toujours à l'aube ce jour là :D ), et pour le nouvel an nous serons rejoints par mes deux meilleurs ami qui habitent Avignon. Bonnes barres de rires assurées, peut-être un karaoké, quelques bonnes bouteilles evidemment, et le tour est joué!

  5. Indeed, it basically can be translated as "You annoy me", although as you know when it gets to the point where you actually do say "tu me saoules" (or "tu me gaves"/"tu me gonfles") to someone, the level of annoyance that person has generated is fairly important, and in English to pinpoint out the level of exasperation the equivalent would be " You annoy the living hell out of me".

  6. My first guess: Because the friend in question (even if she's a very good one) enjoys a certain degree of privacy and has grown fond of having this specific special little bubble where she can share a handful of things in her mother-tongue within a selected circle?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that she's not trying to hurt your feelings or actually exclude you, but since you can perfectly communicate in another language, she wishes to keep things as they are.

    My second guess: Maybe she's just too lazy to do so... after all, teaching someone a language does require quite some time, and good friends or not, sometimes you're just not up to it.

    Third guess: She wants to keep some things private.

  7. Some languages offer far more deepness and diversity than others, that's why when attempting to translate from a "rich" language to a more basic one can turn out to be quite a hectic task at moments. Please note that "basic" isn't a synonym of pejorative in my prior sentence; but some languages are very rich vocabulary wise for example, while in others one term can apply to quite a number of things.
    Having grow up in a French/English environment I can totally relate to this. Translating from English to French is very easy, while translating from French to English can be frustrating at moments, as you often end up trying to pinpoint out something specific which does not have an equivalent in English.. the term which relates to what you're trying to say just turns out to be far too vague, and your sentence loses in intensity.


  8. Obviously you do need to stay faithful to the context as much as possible, but that being said, sayings and idioms for instance differ from one language to another and can often be found in poetry.

    For what is of your poem for instance, I'd give this translation a shot:

    On 7/23/2015, 6:22:01, lovelanguages said:

    Des chiens qui disparaissent

    Au fil de l'eau sur Brest

    Et vont pourrir au loin

    Dogs disappearing
    Following Brest's water flow
    Only to rot afar


  9. Well the first thing that you must keep in mind is that the reason so many Arabic countries such as Tunisia, Algeria or Morocco for example adopt the French language upfront is directly linked to colonization and what occurred in history. Even though independence was gained and/or rights taken back, to this day the French language is omnipresent in their every day lives. If you have ever traveled to a northern African country for example, you will hear a french word included in almost every sentence, ditto on TV  & in the press (some programs, articles and adverts are even narrated entirely in french), traffic signs and various others are in french etc... French is taught in schools as from elementary school and even kids as young as 5 or 6 start understanding it; so basically it's a language they are very familiar and comfortable with, so I fully understand why they'd adopt it for business purposes and put it into financial gaining uses.

  10. "troquer" is basically "to trade". While "échanger" (to swap) is most commonly used on a daily basis these days, troquer still is a well-anchored word in the French vocabulary.

    You will often come across it in classic French literature, and it isn't rare to hear people aged 40 and over include it in their sentences.

    In this specific case:

    Je troque trente trucs turcs contre treize textes tchèques.

    I trade thirty Turkish things against thirteen Czech texts.

  11. Has anyone here ever used Pimsleur to learn Japanese? I'd love to hear of anyone who has!

    I've had "learning Japanese" on my bucket list for a few years now, and finally decided to get started. After checking out various reviews online to see which program was the most adapted in my case (given that I never know when I'll be able to put time in, I was looking for something that I could purchase in an attempt to learn at home by myself), many sources seemed to point to Pimsleur, and I ended up purchasing the latter.

    I've only gone through the first lesson so far (the lessons are 30 min long, and I did this one twice) and really enjoyed, so I hope to be able to keep it up.

  12. Hier nous étions Jeudi, donc j'ai passé la majeure partie de la journée à travailler. Je me suis tout de même octroyée quelques minutes de détente à droite et à gauche afin de répondre à certains mails qui trainaient dans ma boite depuis un moment (j'ai la fâcheuse manie de les laisser se cumuler pfff), et evidemment comme beaucoup, en fin de soirée je suis partie glaner sur Facebook!  :tongue:

  13. Depuis quand avez-vous commencé à apprendre le Français, et quelle fût votre motivation première?

    Bon, je me lance - La première fois que je suis arrivée en France j'etais très jeune (mon père avait-été muté), mais ne parlais pas un mot de Français donc cela reste tout de même une experience assez traumatisante. Moins d'un mois après je débutais dans une école Française où je passais mes journées entre quatre murs avec des personnes qui non seulement m'étaient totalement inconnues, mais qu'en plus je ne comprenais absolument pas! lol

    Quel baptême du feu!

    Aujourd'hui j'en rigole biensûr, mais pendant plusieurs années ce fût dur-dur tout de même ! :P

  14. Want to test yourself or/and most probably treat yourself to a handful of chuckles?

    Bellow are famous French tongue twisters, so why not give them a shot without omitting (of course) to share your feedback!  :wink:

    1-" Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. "

    2-" Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches?  Archi-sèches ? "

    3-" Suis-je bien chez ce cher Serge? "

    4-" Si six scies scient six cyprès, alors combien de scies scient six cent six cyprès ? "

    5- "Je troque trente trucs turcs contre treize textes tchèques.  "


  15. Hmmmm, what about these:

    "Tu es ma raison de vivre" ----------> You are my reason to live

    "Je veux le fruit de ton sang"---------> word to word would mean "I want the fruit of your blood" (which probably won't inspire you much lol )but actually means "I want to have a child with you"

    "J'ai envie de toi"----------------------> I desire you (if you know what I mean...but hello this is French after all ^^)

    "Tu me rends fou!" --------------------> You drive me crazy

  16. I always use vouloir when I'm ordering, because commander has a harsh connotation in English. Am I right in thinking that it doesn't sound particularly nice in French either? Or is it perfectly fine to say "Je commande le chat pour mon dîner." Well, I'm sure it's not perfectly fine to say that in any language, but you catch my drift.

    Hahaha, not sure France is the perfect country for giving that specific order a shot indeed! :D

    Well actually to answer your question, another option you could look into - and which would allow you to use the verb "commander" in a very polite and acceptable way- would be to use this formula:

    "Je souhaiterai commander le chat s'îl vous plaît." ("I wish to order" isn't uncommon in French)

    No need to add "pour le diner" though, as if you enter a restaurant after 6pm, chances are they'll know what you're there for ;)

  17. Alors voilà, malheureusement je n'ai pas eu la chance de partir en vacances cet été, étant donné qu'il m'imcombait de prioriser (et surtout de venir à bout lol) d'une charge de travail assez conséquente. Par contre, vous avez tout à fait le droit de me faire rêver avec vos récits de vacances émanants des quatre coins du globe; alors ne vous faites pas prier, ZOU!  :laugh:

  18. Bonjour à tous ;)

    J'espère que tout le monde va bien, et que pour ceux qui viennent de voir s'achever l'étè, la reprise n'a pas été trop rude (pas toujours simple de se remettre au boulot pfff)!

    Pour ma part j'ai eu la chance de grandir au sein d'une famille bilingue Australo-Française, de ce fait, je parle couramment les deux langues.

    Bon, et bien à très bientôt je l'espère!

  19. G'day there  :wink:

    It could be perceived as quite rude, if I decided to start treating myself to a tour through this multilingual cyberspace without taking the time to first stop at the reception desk in order to announce myself and say hi!

    I'm an Aussie who studied in both Australia and France, before deciding to set up camp permanently (well at least for now) in Frog Kingdom.

    Looking forward to meeting other web-trotters.

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