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Posts posted by gmckee1985

  1. I like Italian the most. I think it's a beautiful language. Of course, having a lot of beautiful women associate with the language doesn't hurt either. As far as my least favorite, I'm not sure I have one. I guess if I had to pick I'd say German. No real reason other than the fact that it doesn't seem to be romanticized as much as other languages such as Spanish, French, and Italian. Seems kind of a boring language to learn.

  2. Thanks for the link. I've heard a lot of good things about the website. I don't usually use "flash cards" to study, but I'll give it a try. I like more in depth learning. But if it helps, I'm all for it. We'll see how I like it. I'll try to keep an open mind.

  3. I think it's important to stay well practiced when you're learning a new language. If you don't really practice it every day it is very easy to forget material you just learned. You need to continually go over it. So yes, if you don't use it you probably will lose it. Unless you have an excellent memory and learn a lot easier than a lot of folks do.

  4. I'm very much of in favor of it. Not only is it stimulating to learn new languages when you travel, knowing the native language of whatever country you are traveling to comes in handy. It's very useful. Plus, you'll be able to communicate with locals and that'll make for a much more pleasurable trip.

  5. No, you can't learn a foreign language while you sleep. If anyone ever told you that they're probably trying to scam you. When you're asleep your brain is at rest. That's the whole purpose of sleep. To given our mind and body a rest. Listening to audio tapes isn't going to allow your brain to rest properly and you're not going to learn anyway.

  6. I think Australians have fantastic accents. As well as the British. Those two accents are just great to me. I find them sophisticated and at times funny. I'm from the Southern United States and a lot of people down here certainly have accents that stick out. Most people seem to have a love hate relationship with the southern accent. I personally don't have much of one, but I don't mind them overall.

  7. I have never fallen in love with someone who speaks a foreign language. To be honest I'm not sure if I ever could. I think being able to communicate well with someone is one of the most important aspects of being in a relationship or in love with someone. While I've certainly found people from other countries attractive, I just haven't been able to really connect with someone on that level with whom speaks another language.

  8. At this point the only language I really write in, is the language that I most proficient in, which is English. I can also write somewhat competently in Spanish. As I learn more, and progress with learning the language I'm sure I will be able to write just as well in it as I do currently in English. It's just a really slow process. Certainly doesn't happen over night. But I'm really making strides.

  9. Learn something new everyday. I definitely thought sign language was universal and the same throughout every country in the world. I didn't know every country had slightly different versions of it. I think it would be better if it was the same for every country. Makes logical sense and would just make things easier on deaf people in general. Not sure what use it is to have different signs for a lot of different countries. Not practical at all.

  10. Being a native speaker of English, I find it pretty hard to gauge how hard the language is to learn for people from other countries and those who speak different languages. For me it was pretty easy to pick up and that seems to be the case for most people. I think if you just study hard and actively practice speaking the language you won't have much of a problem learning it. I don't think it's very hard to learn in comparison to other languages, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  11. What's happening to you is what I want to happen to me eventually. I want to become so good and used to speaking Spanish that it becomes almost second nature to me. Although I'll probably always enjoy speaking English more than any other language, I really enjoy speaking Spanish and as I expand my vocabulary within that language I'm sure I'll be speaking it more and more. I'm sure that'll annoying my friends to no end, though.

  12. I'm not taking any online classes that cost money but I do have my former teacher of Spanish come and give me lessons at my home. I find them pretty productive and the rate is about $10 per hour. Not a lot of money for a very useful thing. I know tutors that charge a lot more than that so I'm pretty happy with the deal I'm getting.

  13. Definitely plan on subscribing to your channel. I've very interested in learning Spanish, in depth. I've got a basic idea of the language as I took it in high school, but I'm interested in getting deeper into the language. Hopefully your videos will help me do that. I haven't checked out your videos yet, but I definitely plan on doing so when I get some more spare time.

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