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Everything posted by thefluentape

  1. I don't think one can forget every single word in a foreign language one has had a good command of. The quality of my English has deteriorated drastically since I moved to Germany last year, but can't believe I wouldn't be able to speak any English in 10 years, even if I stopped using it starting today. On a slightly unrelated side note: I was shocked when a German patient with dementia who couldn't even recognize his closest relatives suddenly started talking to me in French. It's a mystery what the mind remembers and what not.
  2. I guess falling in love requires some time for most of us, but it is probably pretty common to become extremely interested in someone despite (or maybe because of) the inability to communicate with him/her. Attempting to break the language barrier (and hopefully other barriers ) can be a very rewarding experience. Go for it if you're open minded and not too scared to make mistakes.
  3. Vielen Dank, Linguaholic! Ich dachte nicht, dass ich jetzt direkt eine Antwort vom Admin bekommen würde. Ist aber erfreulich.
  4. Hello World! It's been a while since I've last posted on a language learning forum and I'm glad I'm doing this again. I'm not actively learning any particular language right now, but I'm trying to maintain the ones I can already speak and I might want to improve my almost inexistent knowledge of Dutch and Russian in the near future.
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