I don't read physical books much because I get distracted so easily while reading. (I think I would start to make up my own version of the stories in my head lol). So what I would normally do is find the audio version of the book and listen to it while I follow along in the physical book. Listening to audio books alone tends to put me to sleep.
For me, I think the first book I read completely was Tom Sawyer, when I just started high school. We watched the movie as a class and that made me more interested in the book.
To Kill a Mockingbird was a book I fell in love with at seventeen. It's simple to read and has a great storyline. I also liked Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. The language is a bit more....poetic and may be harder to understand but it has a fun storyline. I think there are "translated" versions available.
I really liked Nursery Rhymes as a child and stories such as Jack and the Beanstalk, The Old Lady who lived in a shoe, Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. I would read them over and over. I also liked Tom Sawyer.
I know a few words in Spanish but I don't do so well on a conversational level, so I would like some help. I would be happy to help you with your English