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Everything posted by Malser

  1. Star Fox 64/Script dump/ja-en comparison - LLTVG Wolf-そうはさせるか! スターフォックス!! (As if I'd let you do that, Star Fox!) Leon-アンドルフ様が お前らを倒せとさ (Emperor Andorf has ordered us to dispose of you.) Pigma-ひさしぶりやなぁ ペッピー!(It's been awhile, Peppy!) Pigma-お前らの首にかかった 賞金はわてらのもんや (After I take your heads, we'll get the rewards.) Andrew-アンドルフ様の敵は私の敵だ!覚悟しろ! (The enemy of Emperor Andorf is also my enemy! Prepare yourself!) Wolf-遊びは終わりだ スターフォックス! (Playtime's over, Star Fox!) Leon-たっぷり いたぶってから料理してやる! (I will tease you plenty before I cook you.) Pigma-地獄で親父が 待ってるそうや! (I hear your dad's waiting in Hell!) Andrew-我々に逆らった事を 後悔させてやる! (You will regret ever having opposed us!) Leon-たっぷり、かわいがってやる! (I will be very sweet to you!) Andrew-お前達は 門前払いだ (We will not let you through!) Wolf-図にのるなよ スターフォックス!! (Don't push your luck, Star Fox!!) Leon-ボウヤこの新しいオモチャで遊んであげよう (Little boy, I will play with you using this new toy.) Pigma-親父と同じでお前も 甘いヤツやのう (You're too soft like your dad, boy!) Andrew-下等動物がアンドルフ様に会えると思ったか (You lower animals thought you could meet Emperor Andorf?) Wolf-地獄で親父が待ってるそうだ!! (Looks like your dad's waiting for you in Hell!!) Pigma--ペッピー 昔の仲間のよしみで楽にしたろ (For our old times, I'll put you to sleep, Peppy old pal.) Pigma-こいつは、わてからのおごりや! 受け取りや (I've got a treat for you! Here you go!) Leon-こざかしいトリめ 私の前にひざまずけ! (You will kneel before me, you annoying bird!) Wolf-さすがだよ言う事ねえしかし そこまでだ (You're good like I thought. But you won't do more than that!) Leon-まだまだ お楽しみはこれからだ! (It is not over yet. This party has just started!) Pigma-無駄や!こいつには大金をつぎ込んどるんや (It's no use! I put lots of cash in this.) Leon-私を撃ち落とせるならやってみなさい (Please, take a chance. Shoot me down.) Andrew-どこまでも 我々に逆らう気か!! (How stubborn! You continue to oppose us!!) Pigma-わてを撃ち落とそうなんて 甘い奴やのう! (Trying to shoot me down? You little brat!) Andrew-恐くはない! 振り切ってやる!! (I am not afraid! You will not strike me!!) Wolf-オレ様に後ろを取らせるとは 落ちろ!(To think you let yours truly get behind you. Die!) Leon-フッ!噂ほどでもない落ちろ (Hmph! You did not live up to the rumors. Die!) Pigma-その首もらったでぇ! 賞金はいただきや! (I'll get your head now! Time for my reward!) Andrew-落ちろー! アンドルフ様の為にも (Die! Emperor Andorf will be pleased, too.) Wolf-キツネごときが 調子にのるなよ! (You're just a fox. Don't go overboard!) Andrews-カエルは泳いでいればいいんだ! (Frogs like you should stick to swimming!) Wolf-このオレが やられるとは・・・! (I lost!...) Leon-この私が・・・・この私がーっ!! (I....I have [lost]!!) Pigma-わての わての賞金がブヒ~!! (My, my reward~oink~!) Wolf-ばっばかな 俺よりも上なのか (No way! You're better than me?...) Leon-つっ、強すぎる (So, strong!) Pigma-なんやと!? この わてが・・・ (What!? I [lost]...) Wolf-残念だったな! スターフォックス (Too bad! Star Fox.) Pigma-残念やったなぁ! スターフォックス (Hard luck! Star Fox.) Andrew-ざまあみろ! スターフォックス (It serves you right! Star Fox.) How are they?
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