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Posts posted by SamClemensMT

  1. The field of translation is changing due to new technology like the Google translate program.  I doubt that there will be a need for many translators in the future.  The specialist such as in legal, medical or science and engineering translators will probably always have a job since theses areas are so precise and the translation has to be one percent reliable to be of any real use to clients.

  2. False cognates, this was good.  I like that you chose embarazada (pregnant, or with child). I suppose the false friend would be embarrass in English.

    Now, if a young lady dosn't see her friend at the end of the month, she may have reason to be embarazada.  :amazed:

  3. Once you know the method for learning a second language it becomes easier with each additional tongue you study.  It really is like learning an instrument.  Some languages are in the same linguistic group, like English and Dutch, or Italian and Portuguese,so learning them together is a easier. Like studying piano and the harpsichord. However, if you have mastered Japanese you will find it fairly easy to then pick up Spanish. The method is the same.

  4. It is beyond obvious that literal translation is useless.  True to meaning is in fact what we are after.  When we say that information doesn't translate well.  What we are really saying is that we have not taken time to really appreciate what the writer is attempting to communicate to the reader. "True to meaning " suggest that the context and full body of the text are being taken into consideration.  Even cultural awareness should be applied to any translation to avoid misunderstanding between the source and target languages.

  5. All of theses programs will sharpen your skill with any language you want to study and learn.  The key to progress though is reading in that language.  Reading forms the foundation of your aptitude.  Through reading you gain vocabulary, grammatical correctness and even some cultural literacy.  Furthermore, reading allows you to pause and consider what you just read, to truly comprehend it.  So, Rossetta stone or any other language learning program can help, but let reading in the language be where 75% of the learning takes place.  All the best. Never quit you'll make it.

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