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Posts posted by spanglish1205

  1. Hey,

    I'm lucky that my family is Hispanic so when I want to practice and improve on my Spanish I could always text and talk with my mom. For Italian, I have coworkers at our Italian plant and I could practice when I go there.

    I do use Skype too and I use http://www.italki.com/?ref=1555469 to find teachers and friends. You can connect with a lot of people on Skype and exchange languages for free. For example we spend 30 min talking Spanish to help me out and then spend 30 min talking English to help you out.

    Best of luck!

  2. I would definitely take the language course. The thing is the foreign language program in the US sucks as we suffer from English's success. Usually the programs focus on grammar conjugations and vocab in a vacuum and little conversation practice is had. This also depends on the school on teacher tho. But its still better off than naught, and it could give your daughter a good base to begin learning.

  3. Hey I usually go through the following programs to study a language:


    -Pimsleur and Michel Thomas during my commute to work. This is good because it is during "dead" time. Pimsleur is especially very good at getting a base, functional level of conversation down. Michel Thomas is okay but better than nothing to help during this "dead" time.

    -I use Rosetta Stone a little for vocab but its not the greatest - money or time wise.


    -Anki flash cards - EXTREMELY helpful to learning vocabulary. It is a spaced repetition program that will program the cards to reappear at a specified interval for you to be able to retain. There are several shared decks available in each language or you can create your own.

    -Read newspapers: any new vocab I put into an Anki deck

    -Read books: start off with children's stories and work up. If you have a kindle you can get a english translation dictionary and every word you highlight is translated and saved. Later on I go and put these words in an Anki deck.

    -For listening practice I watch TV, movies and TedTalks.

    -Grammar books of course.

    -Skype one on one tutoring - definitely the method I've progressed the most with. I use http://www.italki.com/?ref=1555469 which basically connects students and native speaking teachers. You can take advantage of exchange rates so the avg lesson is about $10/hour which pretty much beats any other paid course you can get. You can also connect with other students and exchange languages on Skype for free.

    Best of luck on your language learning!

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