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Posts posted by mmegs00

  1. I try to get the most out of my days. I do the standard learning process of learning new words and corret grammar, but I also say the name of everyday objects aloud as a use them. I find that this always keeps my vocabulary fresh. As well, I use language apps like Duolingo. 

  2. When I am using everyday objects I try to say, for example French, it aloud in another language. I find that it reminds me to always continue learning and to refresh some of the vocabulary I already know. As well, I use apps such as Duolingo because it provides a fun way to learn and keeps me motivated. I also like to watch movies in the language I am learning so I can get used to hearing others speak it. 

  3. These are really funny. I like that people are using alternative ways to learning new languages. I guess they seem absurd, but honestly whatever works for you. I agree with the idea of translating songs, because of our ability to remember. It is amazing what the mind can do and the way it works. Great work on the new language. 

  4. Wow, this seems like a really great site. Sometimes I find that I am running in circles with learning a new language and I suppose I now know why. Thank you for sharing this I will definitely be checking it out. I really like that it is a free way to learn. A nice alternative the other overpriced classes. I will let you know how it goes! 

  5. I like the offline model because I like constant, real life feedback. I hate continuing on with learning a language and not knowing if I have the correct pronunciation of words. I think proper feedback is important. Then again, everyone has different learning requirements, and I understand the appeal of learning online as it provides a more "at your own pace" style. 

  6. Hello! 

    I have attempted to learn more than one language at a time. I found it to be very difficult and challenging and I was seeing very slow progress in both languages. When I chose to focus on one over the other I saw a dramatic improvement. It could have been due to the differences and complexities of the languages (French and Mandarin), but I chose to focus on just one. It would be nice to have learnt two at the same time, but overall the process would have been much longer. 

  7. This is a really great share. Sometimes when we are trying to learn a new language it becomes hard when you are expected to conform to one, singular model of learning. I like that this offers multiple options. As a more visual learning myself I always find it helps to extend beyond just the reading and speaking, but to really use the visual cues to help me learn and remember. 

  8. When learning a new language I struggle with speaking aloud, I find it to be the most challenging component of learning. I believe that practice practice practice makes it easier though. I have the similar struggle with French are the way they pronounce certain letters in comparison to English. Best of luck with you work! 

  9. I was about 19 when I began travelling the world, especially throughout Eastern Europe and to Southeast Asia. So many people were quick to communicate with me in English, but I knew that was not their native languages. Therefore, I made it a point to learn new languages, especially if I was going to continue travelling throughout the world. I feel that it is very important, especially when you want to build genuine connections with the local populations. I do wish, however, that I began learning new languages when I was much younger. I feel that it may have been easier to grasp some of the concepts. 

  10. Yes, active listening is very important when you are learning a new language, especially when you are engaging with your new language. I feel that it helps us better understand what our minds are trying to digest. When I take a passive listening approach to learning a new language I feel that I don't get as much out of the learning experience. This is a great way to better help you understand. Excellent work, keep it up! 

  11. My native language is English and I find that many people struggle with the multiple meanings of words. With this, I am referring to words that all sound the same, but are spelt differently and can mean different things, or in the cases where words are spelt the same, but pronounced differently to produce different meanings. 

    For example: 
    Their, They're, and There = all three of these words sound the same but they have different meanings. 

    Here, Hear = same problem as the previous group of words

    Read, Read = these two words are the same right? No! One can be pronounced in the present tense while the other can be pronounced in the past tense. On paper, they both look identical. You can really notice the difference though when they are sounded out. 

    It is problems such as these that I feel the English language can be very difficult for people to learn. I know individuals who have lived in North America their entire lives and English is their native tongue and still make these common mistakes in writing and speech. Never get discouraged. Life is always a learning curve. 

  12. For me, I found that French was the easiest language to learn as a native English speaker. That is probably due to the close derivations that hold from Latin. When you really get into the essence of the languages you will find a lot of similarities. As well, I found that when I was reading particularly long passages in French I had the ability to decifer the jist of the passage from similar sounding and looking words that I found in the English language. Just remember, a great thing to remember when learning a new language is to find similarities to what you already know and to line up your new language to essential cues which will trigger your memory. A great example for this is to associate new words to visual cues. Just a few extra ideas for you. 

  13. I find that it provides a very user-friendly and fun way to approach the learning of a new language. Sometimes the thought of taking on such a big task could be daunting, but I find that Duolingo brings about a 'game-show' feel to its application. As well, I find myself challenging my friends to learn a new language as well. It is very interactive which can make for a fun experience. 

  14. That is very exciting news that they are beginning to add more languages. I find that it is a very easy to use application. I have been working on the French course, and have found it to be a very fun way to learn a new language. My next language I want to learn is Mandarin, and I am hoping that they will soon have that course up and running. I understand that it takes other people to help complete the courses, so if there are any native Mandarin speakers out there maybe they can help us out! 

  15. Yes! You must always enjoy what you do! That is always going to be key to your success. For me, when I am trying to learn a new language I try to watch movies that are in that native tongue and place subtitles on. For example, English is my native language but I am currently trying to learn French. Therefore, I have been watching many French movies with English subtitles. I find that the more I hear the language the more comfortable I become with it. As well, I have found a ton of mini clips and short story type shows online in French that have really helped. If you are looking for some extra help with learning your new language this may be a worth while option! 

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