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      DivaDee - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      DivaDee last won the day on December 1 2015

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      • Currently studying
        Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), French,
      • Native tongue
      • Fluent in
        Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), French (Semi-Fluent)

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      1. Yeah, there have been times where I have given up multiple times when learning one language, so I'd go off to another one of the different languages I'm also studying and continue doing this until I get completely burnt out and crash... So yeah...
      2. Actually if my dad had his way he would taught a bunch of languages at like the age of 5 yrs old, but that never stopped my interest in other language so I started in middle school, and since I intend to start a family in the future, I'm gonna do for my kids what my couldn't for me and siblings... So yeah...
      3. Hope to be fluent in all of these before I kick the bucket: French Japanese Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) Latin Korean Vietnamese Celtic Gaelic Um... and that's it, until I remember the rest of it...
      4. Here's what inspired me: 1) Manga, Anime and old Kung-Fu Movies (an yes those badly dubbed ones) 2) Friends who could speak multiple languages and/or foreign origins (sorry...) 3) Having a Foreign boyfriend/ex (it didn't work out) 4) Wanting to travel the world and meet new people... So yeah... That's what inspired me...
      5. Hell, I get mocked/questioned about my normal voice/native tongue (English) and that by my own fellow classmates, but mostly the reason behind that is because since I moved around a lot as a kid I ended up in different parts of america so my "accent" is a little weird for someone living down south... Also it doesn't help that since I'm studying different languages it add even more to my already weird "accent"... So yeah...
      6. For me Language Arts, has always been slightly difficult for me, even I'm trying to learn/currently studying different languages, I can easily put two words together as this word being that in another language, but what I can't get, is the whole "subject, verbs, predicates, etc., etc., etc." Sadly that's the part that I don't get... But then again that's me... So yeah...
      7. Actually for me the slight opposite is true, I can speak the language a little better than I can write it... Mostly due to the fact that I've always been kind of a talkative person along with being and avid reader, so I would try to figure out how to say/read it before I could figure out how to write it... But knowing my luck that's probably just me...
      8. The main reason I learn specific languages, is mostly I would like to travel so I can visit/live in that specific country that speaks those languages, plus not only that I would like to experience their culture... So yeah... Traveling and Culture, my two main reasons...
      9. I would mostly be the immature on calling people things or even telling them off in foreign languages, mostly cause of the places I used to go a lot of people were rude, insensitive, and just down right deplorable, so sometimes I would curse them out in another language... I'm terrible I know...
      10. Due to the fact that I watch a lot of anime and foreign movies/listen to a lot of Asian-pop/read a lot of manga and other foreign works I have a tendency to repeat some of the words and learn from it and keep doing until I get it...
      11. That's kinda accurate... Back when I was still in a relationship with my ex, we used to talk to each other, in English, Japanese and French... We would do everything from just having a simple conversation to telling each other "I love you", I even wanted to learn Vietnamese just because of him, but in the end tragedy struck and we broke up... Something like this only works if the two people are compatible... So that thesis is only so accurate...
      12. Before I fell out slight practice with speaking French, my teacher would always that I had sort of a naturally talent for speaking French, but when it came down to writing it I had slight trouble... Also depending on the kind of day I was having (also during that time I had narcolepsy [<--still have it] and slight depression [not as bad, now, as it used to be]) would determine how well my ability to speak it was... But none the less, knowing my luck my ability to speak French has probably diminished... Any who, I sadly was one of those people who choked some of my "natural talent" to me being part French... Yep, I'm a terrible person...
      13. Interesting thought, but I actually think that even though, that seems like a good idea, it's actually not... Here's why I say that: History... Not a lot of things can be translated into other languages so sadly if everyone tried to speak one language and one language only, a lot of their ancient history would be lost, which would cause many cultures to fall apart drastically, the only thing that would happen quickly is the collapse of many civilizations... Plus you also have to figure which language is the best/simplest to learn that everyone in the world could agree on, plus once that happens every other country that doesn't speak said language gets messed up... Mostly we [the world] just have to simply improve the school systems so that way they teach at least 5 different languages, even if they're based on the countries we have the biggest business with, or even just from how may foreigners reside in your home country... We just have to learn how to speak different languages other than our own... Also trying to make an entirely new language that has the ability to translate to any other language is even harder than having one modern/ancient language be the "Be All, End All" language of every country in the world... You'd also have to include Sign Languages and braille from each of those countries that use it, among other things...
      14. Well, since I live in America, but the problem is that, here in America is that most of rapping nowadays is about sex, drugs, money and the "thug life", some of the artists are actually trying to break the stereotype and rap about something else, but in the end it doesn't help, I mostly listen to J/K/C-Pop, but that doesn't mean I don't listen to normal rap, but only good songs (but that's just me)....
      15. I sometimes hit that dreaded "comfort zone" but soon my inability to understand EVERYTHING makes me quickly break out of it, so yes I may hit a "comfort zone" but trust me it doesn't last long... No matter what I'm studying, I eventually hit and break that "comfort zone" feeling...
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