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Posts posted by lozpayne

  1. Good Morning

    I am a bit in a hurry right now. I will have a look at the question this afternoon and get back to you as soon as possible. 



    Sorry to bother you, but do you think that you could take a look at this whenever you have some time:) 

  2. The sentence I have written is: La prochaine fois que nous irons en ville, surement le weekend prochain, je vais m’acheter du maquillage et un cadeau d’anniversaire pour mon frère qui va avoir cinq ans.

    To say 'for my brother who is going to be 5 years old' does 'pour mon frère qui va avoir cinq ans' make sense? I was unsure about how to structure this and whether I have used the write verbs etc.

  3. D’habitude pendant les vacances scolaires je fais du shopping avec mes amies. Je l’adore parce que je m’amuse avec elles.

    In this sentence, does 'le' work to refer to going shopping and if not what can it be replaced with? Also, does it make sense to say 'je m'amuse avec elles' or should it be changed to something else (nous nous amusons ensemble maybe :/ ??)

    What | am trying to say, in English, is 'Normally in the school holidays i go shopping with my friends. I like it because I have fun with them.'

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