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Ivan K.

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Everything posted by Ivan K.

  1. I would like to introduce myself. I love learning languages and practicing them, but always did that alone, with Books, CDs and Songs. Lately I'm in the process of making German as natural as possible, but grammatically it's spoken in a very strict order, that clashes with the other languages I know (Russian, Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. What is a good resource for German. Also I'd like to find something in Persian. Can Someone help me? I would gladly help in any language that I know. Ich habe andere Probleme auch mit der Persische Sprache, es gibt nichts zu lesen oder lernen. Últimamente he pensado que quizás ya sea tiempo de entrar a un foro ya que estoy en un problema. Eu estou falando das barreiras mentais que surgem no momento da aprendizagem, onde näo é possivel fazer muito sem falantes nativos. Alors, je vais finir maintenant et merci beacoup pour votre assistance. Благодарю вас, ответ можете дать на любом из вышеупомянутых языков. Удачи всем!
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