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Posts posted by StevenCox

  1. English spelling errors are not uncommon unfortunately, but kinda makes you feel nice knowing that your English is better. You can try to send an email to the developer/manufacturer and so on, but in most cases they won't waste more money to produce new labels/packages just because "eggs" is written with double "g", for example.

  2. I do believe that some languages are easier to learn than other ones. For example, English is much easier to learn in comparison with Japanese, for example, simply because it is encountered all around us (especially on the internet), it has easier grammar and you don't need to learn 3 alphabets to write it. Also, the more you like how a language sounds, the more likely you are to master it quicker. 

  3. Hi guys, I'm Steven from Romania and I'm glad to be here. I'm fluent in English and a beginner with Spanish, so I'm looking for tips to learn this beautiful language. Delighted to have found this forum!

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