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Posts posted by blue_plume

  1. En un otro hilo dije tengo una gata vieja. Tiene trece anos. Ella te gusta dormir mucho. Me gusta jugar con ella. 

    Mi mamá tiene un perro peqeno y marrón. El es un Brussels Griffon. Ella compró el a un rescate de mascotas. Su perro es muy inteligente y sabé muchas palabras.  En la película Guerra de las Galaxias, Chewbacca y los Ewoks fueron diseñado mirar como los Brussels Griffons. 

    ¡Amo mi gata y su perro mucho! 



  2. I don't think I could do that.  My father is from a different country. Even though he knew English before he met my mom, there were difficulties in communication due to cultural differences. In his country, the wife must always listen to what the husband says without question. Wives were to be only the ones to show affection to the children. After the marriage, important discussions about such things as money and raising children were impossible. I'm not sure how you would manage to have such serious discussions without the use of a translator. 

    Marriage is different than just dating or friendship. It's a lifelong commitment that must take into account the welfare of children. If citizenship is not an issue, why not wait until the person is a bit more fluent? 

    Which is not to say I am against marrying someone from another country. I'm proud to be the daughter of an immigrant. However, I know firsthand how seeing someone from another culture will bring up some MAJOR challenges. I do think communication about important things before entering a legally binding union is necessary.  It would spare much heartache in the end. 

  3. Thanks for posting that suggestion :). I will go to the library and check out some tourist books. 

    Reading in a foreign language is so much easier for me. I absorb and remember information so much better than when I hear it. So, for me, it's great to have different types of literature available for learning. 

  4. Five languages I would love to learn....

    Italian: This language is just so rhythymic it's almost musical.

    Polish:The language of my ancestors. 

    Any Native American language, just to help keep it alive.

    Urdu: I would love to go to India

    Creole: I'm not referring to the French Creole spoken in Haiti. I'm speaking of the English patois spoken in the Caribbean by my relatives. Perhaps this is probably not an official language. Although it's based on English, it's about as understandable to me as the middle English in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.


  5. I love singing in other languages! It's a fun way to learn. I find I prefer songs sung in one of the romance languages best. This is simply because the words of those languages, even when spoken, have much more of a musical rhythym. 

    When the movie La Vie en Rose came out, singer Edith Piaf became a favorite singer in our house. For me, there is something about singing in French that feels so much more romantic (Though I know people who have heard my voice think differently :D!)

    Did you know the Beatles have a song in a foreign language? No, not Michelle. It's much rarer than that popular one. On the Past Masters album you can hear them sing "She Loves You" in German. Sie liebt dich, yah, yah, yah!

  6. Read children's books written in the language you want to learn. To some this may sound silly. However, I have found it to be effective for me for several reasons.

    1. It's the very basics written in a fun format. 

    2. Reading a book provides less opportunity for embarrassment at my mistakes.  

    3. It's cheap if you can  find  that  language at your library. 

    4. Some books will have an English translation on the next page. Try to test yourself first. No peeking!

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