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      1. I was translating "I did not forget to write in my diary today" in German and though of the sentence "Ich habe heute nicht in mein Tagebuch zu schreiben vergessen", but in the deepL translator, it says "Ich habe nicht vergessen, heute in mein Tagebuch zu schreiben" Why is "I have not forgotten...
      2. Hello :-) I need some help using the correct grammar for this sentence I want to say: 私にとって、医学を勉強することは難しいようですから、お医者になりたくて、人助けをしたいことは素晴らしいと思います。 I want the meaning to be something similar to "For me, studying medicine seems difficult, which is why I think it is awesome, that you want to bec...
      3. Hello. I've come across an instance of the imperfect subjunctive in a book that I'm reading but I can't figure out why the writer used that tense because the example doesn't fit with any of the rules that I know for imperfect subjunctive. The book is written in Ecuadorian Spanish. Here's what I...
      4. D’habitude pendant les vacances scolaires je fais du shopping avec mes amies. Je l’adore parce que je m’amuse avec elles. In this sentence, does 'le' work to refer to going shopping and if not what can it be replaced with? Also, does it make sense to say 'je m'amuse avec elles' or should it be chang...
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