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  1. We are a community wishing to spend our time talking about languages and learning new ones along our path. Founded by a group of people sharing a common passion, that is, the love for languages and linguistics, we shall be delighted to have you among us if this would be the case for you as well. The server is dedicated to discussions about linguistics, language learning in general, and even conlangs. We also have channels for discussions about history and culture, as language is much more than that; it has its own context. Our server also has a role system, so you won't be lost through every language's channel, you'll only see those which you need. We plan to have some events from time to time and try to grow as a community! We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us and that you'll learn a few things in our company! You can join here!
  2. I've recently read an interesting article in Deutsche Welle which states that about 90% of European Internet users regularly browse the web in their native language only: http://www.dw.com/en/language-barrier-limits-european-internet-users-study-shows/a-15067034 What's your take on this? Personally, I think the Internet is where knowledge of as many languages as possible is absolutely essential. I feel that seeing only "your" linguistic corner of the web severely limits your experience. Let's share how writing/reading a foreign language/languages has helped you get a better experience of the online browsing. For me it's been hugely useful: - First and foremost, to get a better idea of what's really happening in the world. If you think there's no such think as propaganda in your country, think again Most of the news service have their own political or cultural biases. Of course, we'll never know what's really going on somewhere in point X unless we are there. However, when you can read about in various sites from various countries, you get a more accurate picture. It's incredibly just how differently various countries and sites describe certain events... and accompany them with different pictures.. and supplement videos to prove their point. - To find the file/image/piece of information you need, it has been tremendously helpful to look for the same key words in different languages. You can find things others won't, and you'll do much quicker and more easily, especially when it comes to something rare, not so popular, country-specific etc. - And you can also buy the things you need (sometimes even such things as rare medicine or a unique cd) and that are not available in your country (or available, but terribly overpriced). There are many online shops out there with only one language setup, and while google translate may help, it is of course much more convenient and efficient to be able to understand the content yourself. What are your experiences with using the Internet in multiple languages?
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