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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, I am a PhD student at the School of Education at Durham University in the UK. I am researching polyglots’ beliefs about language learning, and the strategies that they adopt to successfully learn them. I have a short questionnaire that should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. If you are 18 or older and speak at least 4 languages at B1 level (CEFR) I would appreciate your help. The link is below. All responses are anonymous. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/polyglotsurvey Many thanks!
  2. Interested in sounding more Italian? We are testing an online Italian prosody/intonation training. For more info and to sign up, click here. Participation involves three short online sessions one week apart, and participants will be entered into a drawing for a Visa gift card.
  3. If you have the time and wouldn't mind filling out a quick Google Forms survey (en español) - please click on the link below! https://forms.gle/fxX6qfB5KUUvRbia7 Thank you! Angie Si tiene tiempo y no le importa rellenar una rápida encuesta de Google Forms (en español), ¡haga clic en el siguiente enlace! Gracias! Angie
  4. Hello Linguaholics! My name's Mitchell. I speak US English, Latin American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. In addition to being a fellow linguaholic, I also am very interested in product design and educational solutions. I'm in the process of completing a UX Design and Research Certification and currently am conducting a survey for my capstone project focused on designing a solution to make the foreign language learning experience more engaging and effective. If you have 1-2 minutes to spare, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take the below screener survey that anyone, regardless of how extensive or traditional your foreign language learning experiences, can complete to help guide this project that I'm very passionate about. All of your answers will remain completely confidential and you do not need to participate beyond this survey if you don't want to. Note - Please answer questions based on the foreign language that you've been studying longest, whether or not that is Spanish or another language. Survey: https://forms.gle/a8PXPZYzpk8pcLPT7 Thank you so much for your help! - Mitchell
  5. Hello everyone, I am a student at the University of Gloucestershire. As part of my Dissertation I am conducting a survey regarding the opinions of the global spread and impact of the English Language. Each response I receive will be extremely useful in determining an accurate set of results with a wide range of opinions (as well as being helpful towards my Dissertation!).I hope to share my findings with the forum once my Dissertation is completed. My survey is available at the following link: http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/englishlanguages...Thank you!
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