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Best Japanese Authors?


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Who are some of the most famous Japanese authors? I would like to look into Japanese literature, but I have no clue who is who when it comes to authors. If anybody knows some good Japanese authors, that would be a great place for me to start.

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The most famous (modern) authors would be the novel prize winners; Yasunari Kawabata (川端康成)and Kenzaburo Oe (大江健三郎).

I find the works of Kawabata fine. "Snow Country (雪国: Yukiguni)" is stylistic and thematically very "Japanese".

Oe's Novels are idealistic and emotional, but don't move me well. I prefer to read his essays on music or politics. "Hiroshima Note (広島ノート: Hiroshima Noto)" is worth reading for everyone.

Haruki Murakami (村上春樹) is also famous. Honestly I'm not a big fan of his works, especially new ones, but they are the best selling in Japan.

I can't say who the best, but my favorite famous authors are Soseki Natsume (夏目漱石) and Yukio Mishima (三島由紀夫).

Soseki has been loved in Japan for almost 100 years. In the most of his works happens nothing dramatic, but novels such as "Sanshiro (三四郎: sanshiro)" describe humanity well in the modest and honest way.

Because of the suicide etc. his life could be more famous than his works, but Mishima pieces, like a short story "Patoriotism (憂国: yukoku)" are sensual, crazy and mind blowing.

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I've read some of Banana Yoshimoto's works. Kitchen is my favorite- link here- http://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Black-book-Banana-Yoshimoto/dp/0802142443/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394438572&sr=1-1&keywords=banana+yoshimoto Available for quite cheap used. I plan on getting the Japanese version as well. Her prose is very charming and simple but also poetic.

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Do you know where to get the Japanese version?

I see it here for real cheap http://www.amazon.co.jp/Kitchen-Banana-Yoshimoto/dp/0571171044/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394465050&sr=8-1&keywords=banana+yoshimoto+kitchen but if anyone has recommendations for a US-based shipper of this book that would be very helpful! Shipping costs can be too much and sometimes sellers don't ship worldwide.

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Amazon Japan doesn't ship to USA so if I buy from them I will have to use a re-shipping service that will most likely cost more than the actual book itself :(

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone heard of Hoshi Shinichi? We read a short story of his in class the other day and I really enjoyed it! I think I'm going to buy some of his other works because I really like his stories and his writing style :)

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  • 3 years later...

When I was studying Japanese literature in university, my professor recommended all those mentionned by @Mim, as well as Maihime (舞姫) by Mori Ogai, Rashomon (羅生門) by Akira Kurosawa(though it was probably because we then watched the film and compared them), and I Am a Cat (吾輩は猫である) and Botchan (坊っちゃん) by Nastume Sôseki.

Of course, as first year students, we only read the translated works to get an idea of the content, so I can't really give you my opinion on any of them in its original version.

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