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Bad romaji habit


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I am trying to get back into learning Japanese, after stopping for a few years.  I know some basic grammar and the standard particles, and have memorized (maybe) about 100-200 vocab words, but I have only a weird "familiarity" with the kana.  I have studied hiragana and katakana, but I ended up relying on romaji in my lessons.  I remember some kana, sometimes, but I usually end up having to refer back to a kana-to-romaji chart when doing a lesson that involves kana.  The habit seems to have persisted too long and ended up inhibiting my learning. 

Has anyone else had a similar issue or has any hints on how to break this habit?

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Just don't do that :P

Seriously, it's not an addiction, it can be changed immediately. Just say to yourself "no romaji from now on" and stick to it. If you don't remember hiragana and katakana, go back to your kana textbook and master it. Then you can focus on studying grammar and vocabulary  :wink:

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Fortunately, I don't have this problem. I've never liked romaji. Even when I was first learning Japanese and my professor said it was okay to use romaji, I used hiragana. Romaji just looks weird to me for some reason OTL

If you want to break the habit of using romaji and you don't know all the kanas, then just look it up. It's tedious to look up everything, but it's necessary. Once you get a good grasp of hiragana, you will never go back to romaji. I promise.

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Just don't do that :P

This is exactly the advice I would give. Just make the decision to stop relying on romaji and use only kana and kanji. You're certainly not the only person to have this exact problem.

As soon as you change that habit, your kana ability will quickly improve to the point that you won't have this problem, just because you're using it and not reverting to romaji. You're going to have to be able to read and write kana (and eventually kanji) if you want to go very far with Japanese, so the quicker you get that step over and done with, the quicker you'll be able to get on with really learning Japanese!

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