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Inside Language Between Friends


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When we spend time with the same people long enough, conversations tend to evolve and given enough time, inside jokes and inside languages are formed. My friends and I always use "drop" in place of putting down things, like "Where should I drop these groceries?".

I don't exactly know where it originated from, we just somehow suddenly started to talk this way among the many other little differences from conventional speaking we use. Do you have any notable language inventions between you and your friends or family?

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I know of people who use words backwards so that anyone listening should not understand them. For me and a couple of my friends, change a person's name in such a way that even if we were talking about him/her he wouldn't have an inkling that s/he is the subject of a conversation. For example, there's an engineer who works in an office next to us whose name is Shadrack. We call him Shades.

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Inside language between friends is so much fun. Mine is always based on different experiences I have with them. One of my friends is from a different culture, so for the longest he used the word 'cheese' to refer to any kind of food. 

He understands better these days the correct names of foods, but we still use this a joke word to describe food and anything else new.

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I had an extreme form of this as a child- my best friend and I literally had our own complete language. It was quite elaborate for little children...we had our own alphabet and pronunciation/grammar rules, it was written and spoken language.

Now I have a lot of different jokes/little variations with different people. :)

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Uhm my mom used to talk in a weird way with my dad when I was a kid, and she didn't want me to understand what they were saying.  It was something like: ayerefe bifi a martafa estafa con felipeje. LOL, once I grew up I cracked the code, and they realized it was useless to use this ''code'' with me present, since I could understand EVERYTHING.  I even told them, lol.  Because it was annoying they walked about things I didn't really want to hear and I could understand everything.

I'd really like it if my boyfriend could learn spanish, so when we don't want our kids to understand what we're talking about... we can just start speaking in spanish :)

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