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      Anki [JAPANESE] | Language Study Apps Jump to content

      Anki [JAPANESE]


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      Has anyone tried using Anki? It's a very cool software for learning vocabulary. I think it's similar to other flashcard programs, but this is free! I use this everyday to study kanji and sentence patterns.

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      I've been using it for like 4 years now.

      I highly recommend getting the "Japanese Support" plug-in and making your own cards with Japanese word (in kanji), reading (hiragana) and meaning. The shared decks like the Core decks are pretty good, but I've always found that the best decks for me have always been the ones I made for myself, with the words that I wanted to learn for myself (or had to learn for class).

      If you have the time to learn how to make them properly, the "cloze delete" cards are really cool. Thy give you a sentence with a word or particle missing (like わたしのなまえ_ゲゲゲノです) and you have to fill in the missing thing (in this case, the answer is は).

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      Actually AnkiDroid is a free app. I think it's fantastic and use it more often than on PC. It also synchronises with the PC version if you have an AnkiWeb account.

      The iOS app is paid, but is the official app, and fully supported, regularly updated, etc. The Android app is actually made by someone else and isn't supported by the maker of Anki.

      A couple of people I've studied with have paid for the iOS app, and they've all said it was worth it. It looks to be a little cleaner than the unofficial Android version. I can't remember the price off the top of my head, but I didn't think it was too much for such an excellent tool.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I am also using Anki as my flashcard software. It has enabled me to practice and learn over 100 Kanji in 1 month. Yeah I know, I'm a slow, because my method is I make myself write the Kanji again and again while the English word is displayed until I fill up an entire page of a notebook. This software also helps to broaden my vocabulary.

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      • 1 month later...

      Anki is the one and only application I have tried that offered real results for retention of words, phrases, and simple questions and answers. Also great is the pre-existing content for Japanese language learning and kanji resources. Making personal decks consumes a lot of time but could be worthwhile in the long run for a more specialized approach.

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      • 2 months later...

      Anki is definately amazing. I personally use both a manual flashcard-type of website to question myself on the new words/kanji/kana/etc and then I fixed an anki deck to use on my phone to use when I got some spare time. I have an android myself, and even though it's not an official app, I think it's wonderful.

      The fact that the Kana decks has sounds on them, really helped out when I was learning the Kana. Definately a great application for both the PC and the phone!

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