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I am looking for native English speaking children who want to learn Italian - online peer assisted learning


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My name is Marco and I am an Italian tutor and actor based in London, UK. 

Given my experience as a private language tutor and my deep knowledge of English and Italian, I have been developing a method for an online IT/EN language exchange program for children aged 6 to 14.  

The idea is to pair up (based on criteria of similar age and language skills) a native English speaking child who wants to learn Italian with one Italian child who wants to learn English. The program is based on the idea that children teach each other, principle also known as peer assisted learning, and that their interaction is facilitated by the teacher (me). The method has been tested and received so far very positive feedback and results.

I am trying to find native English speaking children to take part in the program. I have a lot of requests from Italian families but the English speaking counterpart is trickier to find.


For further and more detailed information on the project, please visit:



If you yourself are interested or know of any parents who would like their native English speaking children to learn Italian, please get in touch. Thank you! 



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