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Lexis: Shopping, Hotel, at the Customs, Visiting a Doctor


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If you do not know Russian well yet, but want to speak this language good, congratulations you opened a useful post. I have collected some informal phrases which will be suitable everywhere: going through the Customs, asking the way, in the hotel, visiting a doctor. Are you thrilled? So let’s start.

Asking the way.

English: How long will it take me to get to the center? – 15 minutes.

Russian: Сколько времени мне понадобиться, чтоб добраться до центра? – 15 минут.

Transliteration: (Skol´ko vremeni mne ponadobit´sâ, čtob dobrat´sâ do centra? 15 minut)

English: Is there an underground station nearby? 

Russian: Поблизости есть остановка метро?

Transliteration : (Poblizosti est´ ostanovka metro)

English: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …   

Russian: Извините, как мне пройти к …

Russian romanization: Izvinite, kak mne projti k …

Lexis for Shopping

Probably shopping is the most pleasant thing for tourists and foreigners. In malls and supermarkets, you can see a price label on a product and read the info. But if you purchase something the boutique, or just small store, you can say:

English: How much does it cost?

Russian (Cyrillic): Сколько это стоит?

Russian romanization: Skol´ko èto stoit?

English: How much does the suit cost?

Russian (Cyrillic): Сколько стоит костюм?   

Russian romanization: Skol´ko stoit kostûm?

If you want to try something on, so say Можно померить (Možno pomerit´) ?

If it does not fit you say:

English: Thanks, it is not my size.

Russian (Cyrillic): Спасибо, это не мой размер.

Russian romanization: Spasibo, èto ne moj razmer

At the Customs

Going through the Customs is quite long and tiresome process. Surely, you will fill in special blank form and custom control officers will find there info about you. But be ready to answer some questions .

For, example, you may need such phrases:

English: To check the luggage

Russian (Cyrillic): проверить багаж

Russian romanization: proverit´ bagaž

English: Immigration form

Russian (Cyrllic) :иммиграционная карта

Russian romanization: immigracionnaâ karta

English: To pay duty

Russian (Cyrillic): платить пошлину

Russian romanization: platit´ pošlinu

English: To go through the customs

Russian (Cyrillic): проходить таможенный досмотр

Russian romanization: prohodit´ tamožennyj dosmotr

At the Doctor

You can use simple phrases to explain health problems…

English: I have a headache/toothache…

Russian (Cyrillic): У меня болит голова/зуб…

Russian Romanization: U menâ bolit golova/zub…

To make an appointment with a doctor

Russian(Cyrillic): Записаться на прием к врачу

Russian romanization: Zapisat´sâ na priem k vraču

English: A sore throat

Russian (Cyrillic): больное горло

Russian romanization: bol´noe gorlo

English: To take pills

Russian (Cyrillic): принимать таблетки

Russian romanization: prinimat´ tabletki

English: Tо recover

Russian (Cyrillic): выздоравливать

Russian romanization: vyzdoravlivat´

English: To write out a prescription

Russian (Cyrllic): выписать рецепт

Russian romanization: vypisat´ recept

At any rate, I wish you be healthy and use these phrases rarely  :grin:

Learning words in dictionary is a standard practice for foreigners. But contact with native speakers will bring better results. That is why plan a trip to Russia or at least talk with native speaker via Skype. Thus, you will practice, pronunciation and learn new words. Moreover, do not forget about films with subtitles. Find several songs in YouTube network and listen them regularly.

Regarding reading books in original… Well, Russian classic literature is really difficult for foreigners. The easiest thing is to find adapted story or begin with tales, which are also very interesting even for adults. Never give up, even if you experience problems in studying. Regular practice and desire to speak Russian fluently will help you to learn this language! So follow these simple tips!


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