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Have you ever tried writing a story or a poem in a different language?

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I like to write short stories and, when I feel melancholy, I tend to express myself in a more poetic way.

I have started strange hybrid stories and combinations of words in 4 different languages, wondering sometimes about my different language personalities. I can create a certain feeling around myself when I write in German that is quite different to when I write in English. Often I find it hard to translate from one language into the other. It just doesn't flow as well.

Are you a creative writer or experimenter?

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I do that sometimes, but I can't write a literary piece without actually using a bit of English in it. I'm not versed in any other language in such a way that it still helps me write effective pieces. Perhaps a little hint of Spanish or Italian here and there, depending on the theme, but not completely in another language :(

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It has been years since I did that. I remember writing stories and poems in high school for Spanish class. It was always fun. Sometimes our teacher would supply us with a few of the vocabularies and we would have to put them together along with our own words to create whatever we needed to. At Christmas time we did carols and that was even more fun :cool:.

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I write in English quite often, actually most of my poetry was in English.  I rarely ever did it in Spanish to be honest, it just didn't feel a right as when I did it in English. I did use Spanish sometimes, not often but I did it, and it turned out ok.  The poem had a totally different feeling to it tho, but in English everything seemed so natural and not forced at all.

I'd like to write a book or maybe a few books in the future, there are several topics I wish to cover. I believe using English is better for certain topic, while Spanish is better for others.

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I am a Creative Writer/Poet and Feature Writer. I have published 2 international books already, the first one is a poetry book in English and the second one is a collection of my articles about love and life, poetry and my own quotes using also the English language as a medium. I have also composed some poetry using our native language Tagalog and some of my poems were translated into Bengali and Portuguese by fellow foreign poets.  :wink:

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I've written a lot of essays in Chinese, but that's about it. I think essays are easier because they basically are of the same structure in any language, whereas poems tend to have more art to them and you can't always just use practical words as a majority.

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Yes. It's weird because I write poems better in English than in my native language. I don't know why but the words just don't seem right when I try to write a Filipino poem.  :confused:

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