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Thoughts on A Song of Ice and Fire?


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Hmm, I am so impatient. I just cannot wait for an episode every week of the Game of Thrones series. This is why I have started reading A Song of Ice and Fire series. I am liking what I've read so far but I'm also a bit disappointed. I thought it would be more of a literary challenge than it is. But I'd still say it's pretty good. What did you think of it?

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I admit that I only started reading ASOIAF because I got hooked on the TV series GOT. Nonetheless, this book series is one of the best in my opinion possibly next to Harry Potter and LOTR. What makes ASOIAF a very good read is the fact the universe where it is set in is purely out of imagination. I always admire people who can create a whole universe that is very detailed up to the last leaf.

I hope the G.R.R. Martin will finish that book soon. I don't want the HBO people to ruin the ending of the story in case Martin is unable to finish it.

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