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I recently discovered cram.com It's probably the largest collection of flashcards online. I certainly recommend it. I believe it is the largest but I'd love to hear from anyone else who has an even better flashcard website for languages. Personally I find these flashcards extremely helpful for vocabulary.

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Cram is awesome! I never had the chance to try out the flashcards from the database, but I used it to create my own! I had to memorize a lot of irregular verbs for my Verb classes, and it proved to be really useful! I will have to check out the database too!

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Thanks a lot for sharing this, I'll check it out right away!  I really love learning thru flash cards, because I'm a very visual person, but I also need to write and hear in order to learn something new tho :P  I hope they also have flash cards to learn the most popular languages, the language I'm learning right now isn't very popular tho, but I'm sure I'll find it there.

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I have not tried this one yet, but I am a big fan of flashcards. The book Madrigals Magical Keys to Spanish suggest using flashcards. I also took an accelerated language course for sign language and they had us using flash cards. I think this quick method of learning is nice because you can partner up with someone. Also you can carry them with you wherever you go.

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Wow, how did I not know about this one? I've been needing to use flashcards lately. There's a project I want to work on regarding vocabulary. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely check it out!

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Thanks for the link. I've heard a lot of good things about the website. I don't usually use "flash cards" to study, but I'll give it a try. I like more in depth learning. But if it helps, I'm all for it. We'll see how I like it. I'll try to keep an open mind.

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